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Artist paints Shreks in Pelourinho, in Salvador, and in other Brazilian tourist spots and goes viral on social networks

Trans artist Daniel Maschio — Dan Maschio, 26 years old — gained prominence in recent days with his series of artworks ”Shreks manifestations”, which went viral on social media. Among the arts that caught attention is “59 Shreks Demonstration in Salvador”, where it is possible to see surprising interactions between the Shreks in the streets of Pelourinho, in the Historic Center of the Bahian capital.

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The paintings involving the green ogre from DreamWorks reached more than 1.7 million views in a publication on X (formerly Twitter).

Born in Santa Catarina (SC), Dan currently lives in São Bernardo do Campo (SP) and uses other elements of pop culture as inspiration. “I like exploring different elements of pop culture, especially those nostalgic ones that marked our childhood. I believe this brings the communication I’m looking for with my audience”, comments Dan in an interview with Casa Vogue.

Furthermore, the artist seeks to work with unreality, the dreamlike and the unconscious. Art has always played an important role in Dan Maschio’s life, and is even essential for recognizing himself as a trans man. In 2017, he graduated in Photography at Centro Universitário Senac with the production of a short film about art therapy, Parkinson’s and painting. Later, in 2020, he began to become a professional in the world of art by selling portraits of pets online.


At the beginning of the month, Dan went viral on social media with his works made up of dozens of Shreks. “It was crazy! I was going to a festival in Rio de Janeiro at the last minute when I received a message from a friend saying that I had gone viral. I was very happy with people commenting and identifying with the works, it was a very special day”, he says.

“Manifestation of 108 Shreks at Christ the Redeemer” shows several versions of the ogre in the most emblematic tourist spot of the Marvelous City, while “Manifestation of 59 Shreks in Salvador” presents the character amidst the colorful facades of the colonial architecture houses of the Bahian city.

These two, together with Shreks at MASP, were a unique series created by the artist.

Dan Maschio’s works draw attention to their tiny details. In Salvador, for example, you can see Shrek holding a sign with the words “My swamp”.

In another work by the artist, titled “Things began to get out of control after the Mona Lisa”, there is a representation measuring just 1.5 cm of Leonardo da Vinci’s most famous painting.

“I always liked miniatures, when I started painting, I wanted to bring that into my works. These details bring a whole difference because those viewing from afar cannot identify these small elements, only noticing that it is a landscape of Christ the Redeemer for example, but when you get closer you can experience a new perspective when faced with interactions from a portion of Shreks ”, he explains.

* Published by NR Photos: Reproduction/Instagram @dan.maschio.

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