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Louvre Museum studies improvement of Mona Lisa exhibition conditions

“As far as I’m concerned, [a resposta] yes, I think it is for many people and we are thinking about it”, replied Laurence Des Cars on public radio France Inter, when asked whether Gioconda, known as Mona Lisa, did not deserve “a separate room”.

“It is always frustrating when we are not up to the standard of reception and this is the case with the Mona Lisa. Therefore, we are thinking, together with the Ministry of Culture, about this improvement that I believe is necessary today”, he added.

“80% of visitors to the Louvre [quase nove milhões no total em 2023]therefore, more than 20 thousand visitors (who) see the Mona Lisa every day” and take ‘selfies’ in front of her with their cell phones, he said.

The Mona Lisa, a world-famous painting, is on display in the Salle des Estates, the largest in the museum, in front of the largest painting in the Louvre, The Wedding at Cana, by Veronese, and alongside paintings by the great Venetian masters of the 16th century.

The official also recalled that a limit of 30,000 visitors per day was introduced, which will be maintained during the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Louvre Museum studies improvement Mona Lisa exhibition conditions