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‘Young Entrepreneurs First Steps’: City Halls receive textbooks to train students

Employees of Sebrae’s Entrepreneurial Education deliver 4,130 textbooks of the “Young Entrepreneurs First Steps Methodology (JEPP)” to the education departments of Tartarugalzinho, on Wednesday, 13th, of Pedra Branca do Amapari, on Thursday, 14th, Calçoene, in next Monday, 18. The objective is to implement entrepreneurship content for students in the classroom with a methodology aimed at elementary education.

For Sebrae’s Entrepreneurial Education manager, Maikon Richardson, the institution’s entrepreneurial education has an approach to teaching and learning that contributes to the development of entrepreneurial skills among students, educators and educational managers.

“We collaborate with the development of people’s potential so that they can be protagonists in transforming their realities. With our approach, the perception of opportunities, creativity, innovation, collaboration, self-awareness, self-efficacy and the predisposition to act will be developed”, explained Maikon Richardson.

Schools receive learning materials free of charge. Teachers acquire training and are responsible for disseminating the methodology in the classrooms. Tartarugalzinho will receive 1,337 Jepp methodology textbooks; Pedra Branca do Amapari, 1,591 books; and Calçoene, 1,202 books.


Entrepreneurial education proposes by Sebrae that elementary education encourages students to seek self-knowledge, new learning and the spirit of community.

The delivery of the books was attended by the vice-mayor of Tartarugalzinho, Javã Castanho.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Young Entrepreneurs Steps City Halls receive textbooks train students

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