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It is dangerous to often drive with this light on in your car!

Gasoline prices often mean that many drivers end up spending a bit of time on the reserve. In fact, it is a recurring scenario for many people to get into their car and see the warning light on the instrument panel indicating that the vehicle is almost out of fuel. But do you know that it is dangerous to often drive with this light on in your car?

It is dangerous to often drive with this light on in your car!

Other than the risk of being stranded in the middle of the road, there are no immediate dangers in driving with the reserve light on. So you might save yourself a time or two if you can’t afford to extend your journey and visit the gas station. However, the story may be different if your car is constantly on reserve.

Leaving the fuel tank almost empty is one of the most common driving habits that can cause damage to the engine and other compartments. One of the main long-term consequences of driving on low fuel is damaging the car’s pump. The gasoline inside the tank keeps the fuel pump cool and lubricated. When the vehicle’s tank is almost empty, the fuel pump is no longer submerged in fuel, increasing the possibility of overheating. To keep the fuel pump fully submerged, it is best to keep the tank at least 1/4 full.

Additionally, a lack of fuel can result in engine cylinders misfiring. When traveling at higher revs, the car wants to draw more air and fuel into the cylinders to increase speed and torque. If the car is unable to pump enough fuel, it can cause knocking sounds inside the engine and result in long-term damage. The engine knocking noise is the same problem that occurs in many turbocharged vehicles if you use regular gasoline instead of premium.

How far can you drive?

Although it is very different from one vehicle to another, you can count on a range of 40 and 70 km with the fuel light on.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: dangerous drive light car