From ‘betrayal’ to ‘passion’. Marcelo’s last days (and controversies)


O President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, has been at the center of national controversy following controversial statements regarding António Costa and Luís Montenegro, as well as possible reparations to former colonies, proposing the payment of reparations for the past. In this sense, Chega decided to proceed with criminal action against Marcelo for “betrayal of the country”.

The head of state ended up reacting on Wednesday to André Ventura’s intention, saying that giving an opinion is “the difference between democracy and dictatorship”.

“I’m not talking about that, beyond what I’ve already said, which is to say that we live in a democracy. And democracy has the difference in relation to dictatorship which is freedom of expression of thought, freedom of thinking. Everyone’s freedom to think, to agree, to disagree, whether they hold political positions or not”, said Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, in response to journalists.

The President of the Republic assumes that the difference is “the freedom of everyone to think, to agree, to disagree, whether they hold political office or not”.

News at Minuto with Lusa | 21:00 – 05/08/2024

It should be remembered that, prior to the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the 25th of April, the President of the Republic suggested, at a dinner with foreign journalists, that Portugal should take responsibility for crimes committed during the colonial eraproposing the payment of reparations for past mistakes.

This moment led Chega to take criminal action against the President of the Republic, for betraying the country and the Constitution. “Never has a Portuguese head of state, in 900 years of history, decided to carry out a self-responsibility exercise for its soldiers, its Armed Forces, its citizens“, criticized Ventura, speaking in a “deep betrayal of Portugal”.

“Chega could not fail to highlight the gravity of words that touch the elderly, the soldiers, our history, our armed forces and former combatants. It is in the name of all of them, of all of them, in the name of the country, of the its story, which we decided to move forward with an unprecedented process in our parliamentary history of indicting the President of the Republic“, announced André Ventura, who considered that this “no longer represents the national interest and began to represent the interests of other States“.

Chega’s leader also accused Marcelo of having “coerced the Government”suggesting that PS and PSD are against his initiative because they agree with this idea.

Enough “has the legitimacy to make the proposal” against Marcelo

The President of the Assembly of the Republic (AR), José Pedro Aguiar-Branco, also spoke about the issue on Wednesday and considered that the Enough “has the legitimacy to make the proposal” for the accusations against Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, since he “brings together the number of deputies necessary to do so”. Despite saying that, in his position, one should not speak out, he assumed that, “as a deputy”, he knows “well” how he will vote.

The statement was made by the President of the Assembly of the Republic (AR), José Pedro Aguiar-Branco, in Grande Interview, on RTP3.

Joana Duarte | 23:25 – 05/08/2024

António Costa in Europe? It has “European protagonism”

As far as the former prime minister and his political future are concerned, This is not the first time that Marcelo has appointed António Costa to the European Council. And she did it again.

The President of the Republic praised the “European protagonism” de Costa, something he said he witnessed, “anticipating ideals, anticipating problems, anticipating risks, anticipating solutions” within the framework of the European Union.

António Costa is “passionate about Europe – it’s not that he was less passionate about Portugal, but passionate about Europe”, he considered, reiterating that he hopes the former ruler can “continue to experience this problem intensely at European level”.

Costa is

The President of the Republic today described António Costa as “passionate about Europe”, praised his performance as Prime Minister within the European framework and reiterated that he hopes to see him intervene in this plan.

Lusa | 21:43 – 05/08/2024

Read Also: “Unity and diversity”. Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa celebrates Europe Day

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: betrayal passion Marcelos days controversies

