“It destroyed the lives of thousands of people”

“It destroyed the lives of thousands of people”
“It destroyed the lives of thousands of people”

Gisela Serrano was present on the “Manhã CM” program this Thursday (9), under the heading ‘Notícias dos Famosos’.

The controversy surrounding José Castelo Branco, accused of domestic violence against Betty Grafstein, was highlighted. “He likes this media coverage. Whatever he can harness for his benefit, he will do so”, said Gisela Serrano.

The ‘hurricane woman’ left a message to TVI, which invited José Castelo Branco for an interview on “Dois à 10”: “I wanted to tell the other channel, which will receive it, that it should give the same importance to a dentist [referindo-se a João Espírito Santo]which passed through that canal, which destroyed the lives of thousands of people and never gave”.

Ágata Rodrigues intervened: “Gisela, we are not talking about that here now and we have already given the due stage here, we have already given the due response here from you and, therefore, it is a case that we [CMTV] We are following it journalistically. Other than that… no”.

João Espírito Santo, a regular contributor to “Dois à 10”, is accused of torturing and attacking patients and the allegations have been published in Sábado magazine and on CMTV.

Read too: Is José Castelo Branco being paid for television interviews?



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