Felipe Neto enters Whindersson Nunes’ fight with Janja and the two have a disagreement | Celebrities


Felipe Neto and Whindersson Nunes – Reproduction / Instagram

Felipe Neto and Whindersson NunesReproduction / Instagram

Published 10/05/2024 14:15

Rio – After the exchange of barbs involving Whindersson Nunes and first lady Janja Lula da Silva, Felipe Neto joined their conversation and sent a hint to the comedian on X, formerly Twitter, on Thursday night (9). “Nothing against it, but every now and then it’s good to slow down a little and open a damn book,” said the influencer.

The Piauí native didn’t let it go easy and responded to the criticism by publishing an image of one of Felipe’s books, which said “Home, kill or climb”. “I’m going to read a [livro] childish”, joked Whindersson in the caption.

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Neto didn’t like the provocation and responded. “Rescuing mistakes from almost 10 years ago to attack reputation is exactly the Bolsonarist strategy. What you have become is worthy of shame. This ‘book’ was removed from stores months after being released and republished in 2017. Your silence and cowardice in 2018 and 2022 will remain forever. Hugs”, wrote Felipe.

And the exchange of barbs continued. “You talked about my past, I talked about yours! Do you have a problem with me using drugs? Because I don’t use them anymore, I smoke marijuana, which you know isn’t true. My silence has been with you for a long time, I only see something from you when people bother you. Stay well and healthy”, said Luísa Sonza’s ex.

The disagreement occurred after Felipe Neto criticized the position of Whindersson Nunes, who mocked the first lady’s commotion in rescuing the horse nicknamed “Caramelo”, which was stranded on a roof for several days.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Felipe Neto enters Whindersson Nunes fight Janja disagreement Celebrities

