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Actor Pedro Teixeira “confident” in Villas-Boas’ triumph

“ANDI’m confident, but a little anxious, on this important day in the life of FC Porto. The partners signed up en masse and, whatever the result today, FC Porto always comes out ahead”, said Pedro Teixeira, speaking to the Lusa agency.

The well-known television presenter spoke of “a show of strength on the part of the partners”, stressing that “the most important thing was debating ideas”.

“And a large part of FC Porto’s members decided today on the direction they want for the club”, added Pedro Teixeira, believing in a happy ending in favor of André Villas-Boas, despite “great anxiety”.

The campaign headquarters of the List B candidate for the FC Porto elections is practically full and, in the air, there is moderate confidence in the triumph of André Villas-Boas, at the end of the longest, hardest and most disputed electoral campaign in the history of Porto. club.

The elections for FC Porto’s governing bodies for the 2024-2028 four-year period are contested by three candidates, led by current president Pinto da Costa (list A), André Villas-Boas (B), former coach of the football team, and Nuno Lobo (C), businessman and professor, also including an independent list to the Superior Council led by Miguel Brás da Cunha (D).

Pinto da Costa is the 33rd maximum leader in ‘blue and white’ history and is trying to achieve a 16th consecutive term, at a time when he has been president for 42 consecutive years, holding the status of leader with the most titles and longevity in football worldwide.

Read Also: LIVE: Polls closed for FC Porto elections

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Actor Pedro Teixeira confident VillasBoas triumph