Lido Pimienta assists Mas Aya in his new single

Lido Pimienta assists Mas Aya in his new single
Lido Pimienta assists Mas Aya in his new single

For the first time since it launched Masksin 2021, Mas Aya edits a new single“Tú y Yo”, which features Lido Pimienta and opens the game regarding his next solo album, Coming And Going.

But Aya is the project that Brandon Miguel Valdivia has led alone since the beginning of the last decade and has dedicated himself to exploring new territories within electronic music informed by tradition, with a special focus on that which comes from Latin America due to its Nicaraguan roots. A member of several Canadian bands, in recent years we have seen him assisting people like Run The Jewels, US Girls or Lido Pimienta, with the latter now reciprocating the help he received from the musician for his albums La Papessa (2016) and Miss Colombia (2020).

After Masks, But Aya has a new full-length on her hands and will take it to the Telephone Explosion Records catalog. The work that follows is described to us as being his most “intimate and personal” musical proposal to date and will see the light of day on July 12th. Mastered by Sandro Perri, the album will have yet another guest, Martina Valdivia, and will focus on the latest events in the life of the polymath who, since the COVID-19 pandemic, became a father and left the Canadian capital for the British one.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Lido Pimienta assists Mas Aya single

