Mayor Luciano renews the program and expands actions to plow 10 thousand tasks in the field


Davi Salsa (Mayor’s Office)

Photos: Carlos Magno (Ascom Arapiraca)

Support for the men and women of the Arapiraca countryside was renewed, this Thursday (9), with the signing of a new agreement between the municipal management and the Union of Residents’ Associations of Agreste Alagoano (UNAMAA), and the allocation of plus R$700,000 for actions in rural areas, through the Terra Pronta program.

Mayor Luciano Barbosa, the Secretary of Rural Development, Genivaldo Oliveira, and the president of UNAMAA, Rodrigo Lopes, signed the document and the renewal of the program for 2024.

Launched in 2021, the program aims to serve rural producers with up to ten land tasks with plowing services and technical support. Of the R$700,000 allocated this year, R$300,000 is already in UNAMAA’s account.

Last year, actions were carried out in more than seven thousand tasks, and the goal for 2024 is to expand this to ten thousand land tasks.

The signing act was also attended by secretaries, municipal secretaries; the superintendent of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (Mapa/AL, Jorge Marques; councilor Givaldo Bicudo; president of the Union of Rural Workers of Arapiraca, Geraldo Balbino, as well as presidents of community associations, cooperatives, businessman Marcos Vasconcelos, from Triunfo Pedras , among other leaders and guests.

On this occasion, farmer Jurandir Catonho thanked Mayor Luciano Barbosa and Secretary Genivaldo Oliveira for expanding the program. In turn, the president of the Union of Rural Workers of Arapiraca, Geraldo Balbino, highlighted the support of municipal management in serving rural men and women.

“It is an important program so that we can prepare the soil, produce and generate income for our families”, he highlighted.

Mayor Luciano Barbosa praised the partnership with the program’s partner institutions to support rural men and women in Arapiraca.

“The main goal is to help small producers increase their productivity and bring dignity to rural areas”, stated Mayor Luciano Barbosa, reinforcing the partnership between the Secretariat of Rural Development, UNAMAA, Mapa/AL, residents’ associations with the support by federal deputy Daniel Barbosa.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Mayor Luciano renews program expands actions plow thousand tasks field

