Meeting at SIMA formalizes the transfer of resources to help victims in RS

Meeting at SIMA formalizes the transfer of resources to help victims in RS
Meeting at SIMA formalizes the transfer of resources to help victims in RS

The board of directors of the Arapongas Furniture Industry Union (SIMA), together with mayor Sérgio Onofre, announced this Friday the delivery of R$250,000 to the state of Rio Grande do Sul, the result of the first stage of the campaign to support the victims of the catastrophe to which Rio Grande do Sul has been subjected in recent days. The R$250,000 was handed over to the Brazilian Furniture Industry Association (ABIMÓVEL). Through agreements made with Sicredi by MOVEERGS and SINDMOVEIS, the amount will be doubled, therefore totaling R$500 thousand at this stage.

The campaign, organized by SIMA, now continues in its second stage, aiming to further expand mobilization and fundraising. José Lopes Aquino, president of SIMA, Carlos Roberto da Cunha, president of STICMA, Irineu Munhoz, president of ABIMÓVEL, and mayor Sérgio Onofre highlighted not only this campaign, but also the importance of society remaining mobilized in defense of Rio Grande do Sul. South, which will need help to overcome the damage caused by the floods, a tragedy that has already resulted in 136 deaths and 125 people still missing. Also present were Silvio Luiz Pinetti, Executive Director of SIMA, Carlos Bessa, founder of the content platform Setor Moveleiro, Anderson Molina, president of ACIA, and councilor Meire Farias.

“The furniture sector is mobilized on several fronts and actions, from those carried out by individuals to legal entities, in a demonstration of solidarity and sensitivity in the face of the serious problems faced by the brothers from Rio Grande do Sul”, stated José Lopes Aquino. Irineu Munhoz, in turn, highlighted that ABIMÓVEL has already sent resources prior to this action and is continuing its campaign to mobilize the entire furniture segment.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Meeting SIMA formalizes transfer resources victims

