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Joana Marques’ father ‘censors’ ‘Extremely Nasty’ – Ferver

Comedian was one of the guests on the podcast ‘Geração 80’.

04/27/2024 • 13 H 44

Joana Marques, 38 years old, was the most recent guest on the podcast ‘Geração 80’, led by Francisco Pinto Balsemão.

During the format, the comedian recalled her childhood and the theater she performed with her brother at Christmas. He was in charge, wrote the script and I was always the secondary character, of course”, he confessed. With six years difference, Joana Marques notices that she has very different tastes from her older brother: “He’s the serious side of the family. While I was listening to Spice Girls he would lock himself in his room, in that complicated phase of adolescence, listening to Nick Cave”.

Raised between her grandparents’ house, in Restelo, and the house where she lived with her parents and brother, in Linda-a-Velha, the radio host confessed that at her grandparents’ house “there were no laws”.“I opened the pantry and could eat whatever I wanted. It was that exaggeration that grandparents allow and today we, parents, censure it. There wasn’t a day that went by that I didn’t throw tantrums whenever my parents picked me up to go home. It was boring going back to the world of rules”he said, between laughs.

She was a somewhat rebellious teenager, but perhaps because of the great discipline she had at home. “I was punished for months”she revealed, adding one of the punishments that marked her most: “To learn (and well) I spent a month watching all the cinema classics”.

About ‘Extremamente Nasagratável’, from Rádio Renascença, Joana Marques considers that make one every day “Act of courage”. Even with people’s hatred on social media, he believes that this will not spread to the “real life” and even devalues ​​the father’s warnings: “He sometimes calls me and asks me not to talk about this or that one anymore”she admitted, excitedly.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Joana Marques father censors Extremely Nasty Ferver