5 enjoyable physical activities to do first thing in the morning

5 enjoyable physical activities to do first thing in the morning
5 enjoyable physical activities to do first thing in the morning

There is no agreement on the best time to practice physical activities — the consensus is only that they are necessary for a healthy life. Therefore, the most effective time to exercise is when a person can maintain consistency. But what about the morning?

In light of this, the practice of physical activities in the morning can be a good choice for people who have uncertain times to leave work or an active social life, commitments that disrupt their nighttime routine.

However, waking up early to expend energy is not a great motivator for these people. Therefore, it is necessary to find ways to make this practice something pleasurable.

Below, the Chalk Brazil lists 5 activities that fit into the morning routine and whose benefits can enhance the start of the day. As you persist, exercise will become less of a burden and more of a habit.

1. Stretches

There is nothing better to wake up your body calmly and prepare it for the day than a few minutes of stretching. In this practice, a person can eliminate muscle stiffness that can form due to work postures or after a bad night’s sleep.

To stretch, all you need is willingness and patience, as you don’t need specific equipment – ​​although there are some that can help the process. Try to stretch your arms with your fingers intertwined, up and down.

Standing with your legs straight, lean your torso down, trying to reach the floor and release your head. Finally, you can also test tilting your neck from side to side to remove tension. There are several stretching exercises and you can experiment as you progress in practice.

2. Yoga

Just like stretching, yoga also tends to lengthen the muscles in the body. But, in addition, the practice also aims to balance, strengthen muscles, activate blood circulation and concentration.

To follow the proper postures, you need a capable instructor. However, this is enough to start practicing yoga – without the need for other equipment.

3. Walk

A light walk can be the ideal stimulus to start the day. In addition to providing aerobic exercise, which increases respiratory capacity and physical resistance.

It can be done on the gym treadmill, if that’s more practical, but it can also be done outdoors, in a park, for example.

4. Swimming

It may seem difficult to wake up to go for a swim, but when it happens, it’s the immersion in the water that helps your body fully awaken. Therefore, although swimming is a good physical exercise for any time of the day, fitting it in the morning can get your day off to a good start.

Furthermore, as it is done in water, swimming is an activity that causes little impact on muscles, bones and joints. Therefore, it moves the body and exercises breathing, without other risks. Therefore, it is a good option for those who have some limiting physical condition.

5. Tennis

Finally, tennis is an option for physical activity in the morning which, in addition to exercising the body, also requires concentration. This way, it’s a great practice to start the day.

Furthermore, tennis is a competition, which may attract more those people who seek stimulation in the morning.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: enjoyable physical activities morning



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