Post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis in children and its indirect causes


Post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis in children and its indirect causes

Rafaella Oliveira Morais; Julia Luísa Martins Vargas; Luana Kelly Pessoa Gurgel; Luiz Fernando Lopes Texeira

How to Cite:
MORAIS, Rafaella Oliveira; VARGAS, Julia Luís Maertins; GURGEL, Luana Kelly Pessoa; TEXEIRA, Luiz Fernando Lopes. Post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis in children and its indirect causes. Scientific Society Magazine, vol.7, n. 1, p.2274-2280, 2024.
IT HURTS: 10.61411/rsc202446117
Area of ​​knowledge: Health Sciences.
Sub-area: Pediatric Urology.
Keywords: Nephritis; Child; Impetigo.
Published: may 12 2024


Post-streptococcal glomerulopathy is an inflammation of the post-infectious basement membrane, which compromises filtration and leads to changes such as edema, high blood pressure and hematuria. GNPE affects the pre-school and school age group and requires further studies in the areas of diagnosis and treatment. This is a literature review, with search in national, indexed and specialized journals in the health area between the years 2002 and 2022, using the descriptors GNPE, diagnosis and treatment. AND a predominant disease in developed countries, corresponding to 97% of the numbers, with an incidence of up to 28.5 cases in 10,000 inhabitants per year. It is known that it is a prevalent disease in children over 2 years of age and less prevalent in adults, corresponding to only 5-10% of cases. It is also noted that PEGN is directly linked to diseases, with around 10% of patients having streptococcal pharyngitis and 25% of patients having impetigo before developing glomerulonephritis. PEGN is a non-suppurative complication of an infectious condition, classified as nephritic syndrome. The highest incidence occurs in males (2:1), when compared to females, being more frequent in preschool and school age, with a peak around 7 years of age. Most conditions are caused by nephritogenic strains of group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus, with the most common being types 12, which causes pharyngitis, and 49, which causes impetigo. According to studies, it can be noted that around 1/10 of patients with streptococcal pharyngitis and 1/4 of patients with impetigo develop PEGN after a few weeks. These data are of significant importance for the professional since monitoring in order to Early diagnosis can influence the good prognosis for these patients. PEGN has been an increasingly common glomerulonephritis in children. Therefore, further studies and interventions are needed in order to increase early diagnoses and allow effective treatment.


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Tags: Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis children indirect

