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Taking your cell phone to the bathroom can help with hemorrhoids

Credits: iStock/Mohammed Haneefa Nizamudeen

Bathroom habits can lead to hemorrhoids

The habit of taking your cell phone to the bathroom can be more dangerous than it seems. According to experts, this apparently harmless practice can contribute to the development of hemorrhoids, due to prolonged sitting on the toilet. In more serious cases, it can even lead to rectal prolapse.

Hemorrhoids are lumps that form in or around the anus due to enlarged blood vessels.

These protuberances can be internal, located above the anal sphincter, or external, visible at the edge of the anus and similar to varicose veins or blood pellets.

How can cell phone use contribute to the development of hemorrhoids?

The pressure exerted by sitting on the toilet for long periods, especially on a hard surface, can inflame and swell them, increasing the chance of developing hemorrhoids.

Furthermore, the shape of the toilet seat contributes to additional pressure in the area, increasing the risk.

Prolonged stay in this position, often encouraged by cell phone use, can also increase the likelihood of rectal prolapse – a condition in which parts of the intestine protrude outside the anus.

Credits: iStock/Kurgu128

Risk of using a cell phone in the bathroom

Is there any research that confirms this risk?

Research carried out by Yuzuncu Yl University in Turkey, published in the National Library of Medicine, demonstrated that using a cell phone in the bathroom leads to straining during defecation.

When analyzing around 100 patients with and without hemorrhoids, between 16 and 65 years old, for seven months, researchers saw that people who usually take their cell phones to the bathroom end up continuing to strain to evacuate even when it is no longer necessary.

This favors the dilation of the blood vessels in the rectal veins, which favors the appearance of hemorrhoids.

Furthermore, some factors can increase the likelihood of developing hemorrhoids, such as chronic constipation and excessive straining during bowel movements, pregnancy, obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, a diet low in fiber and the presence of cases of hemorrhoids in the family.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids

According to the Ministry of Health, symptoms of hemorrhoids include:

  • itching caused by swelling of the veins;
  • bleeding resulting from rupture of the anal veins;
  • pain or burning during or after bowel movement;
  • palpable protrusion in the anus.

After all, how to avoid having hemorrhoids?

  • Limit time: avoid spending long periods sitting on the toilet. It is recommended to limit the stay to around ten minutes per session to avoid the accumulation of blood in the rectal veins.
  • Avoid using your cell phone: In addition to the risk of hemorrhoids, using your phone in the bathroom is unhygienic and can expose the device to bacteria and germs. Avoid taking it to the bathroom to reduce the risk of contamination.
  • Appropriate treatment: If you experience symptoms of hemorrhoids, see a healthcare professional for evaluation and appropriate treatment.

Treatment of the condition

Treatment of hemorrhoids usually involves applying topical creams and suppositories containing hydrocortisone or witch hazel to relieve pain and swelling.

Other recommendations, finally, include increasing water and fiber intake, improving hygiene habits in the bathroom and taking sitz baths.

In more serious cases, medical procedures such as hemorrhoidectomy may be necessary, but each case must be evaluated individually by a healthcare professional.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: cell phone bathroom hemorrhoids

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