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If you want to look younger, stop drinking these three drinks that age your skin

Skin health care is essential. In addition to products from skincare, nutrition is a key and decisive factor. Some foods, for example, are capable of offering nutrients and increasing collagen production. Others, on the other hand, can have the opposite effect.

In a video published on social media (watch here), neuroscientist Robert WB Love mentioned three popular and widely consumed drinks that can age the skin and result in an older appearance.

In first place are the alcoholic beverages. «Alcohol ages the skin. Mainly because it dehydrates the skin. Alcohol dehydrates the body, so it dehydrates the skin and can make you look older,” he said.

Furthermore, the neuroscientist added that the substance ages the brain and body. «Alcohol is harmful to the intestine and certainly harmful to the liver. Alcohol impairs the connection between the brain and the gut and is directly harmful to the brain and sleep».

Next up are soft drinks. Despite its popularity, the drink is loaded with sugars that increase blood glucose.
According to Robert, this could increase inflammation, which is one of the main causes of

Finally, coffee is the third drink listed by the neuroscientist. Although coffee has some health benefits, including being good for your brain and gut bacteria, caffeine is a diuretic. “That means it dehydrates. Caffeine can dehydrate the body and dehydrate the skin and make a person look older.”

However, all is not lost for coffee lovers. According to Robert, it is important to consume plenty of water, in order to “balance” the effects of caffeine.

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