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Department of Health and Department of Social Assistance and Development carry out joint actions to combat Tuberculosis

Department of Health and Department of Social Assistance and Development carry out joint actions to combat Tuberculosis


Conversations were held between the teams during the “Month to Combat Tuberculosis”, in March.

Throughout the month of March, Guarapuava City Hall, through the Secretariat of Assistance and Social Development and the Specialized Assistance Service (SAE), which belongs to the Municipal Department of Health, held conversation circles with the CRAS II teams, III, IV, CREAS and part of the flying teams in these sectors.

“The main objective of this partnership between Secretariats is to strengthen ties, implement and establish a dialogue about the demands routinely experienced by the teams, all working towards a single purpose: the eradication of tuberculosis”, explained Larissa Bento de Azevedo, SAE nurse and coordinator of the Guarapuava Tuberculosis Program.

The objective of the meetings is to strengthen ties, clarify doubts and break paradigms and prejudices, in addition to exchanging experiences so that care for the most vulnerable population becomes increasingly better. As March is considered, worldwide, the “Month to Combat Tuberculosis”, the disease was the main focus of the action. Even so, topics such as Leprosy and HIV were also addressed.

“We met with the local network in the territory of Cras III (Jardim das Américas) for a conversation with the SAE team. Around 40 people representing institutions here in the territory (schools, colleges, Basic Health Unit – UBS, community health agents, pastorals) participated to work on tuberculosis prevention, as well as learning more about the forms of contagion and which channels of care from health teams”, commented the Coordinator of CRAS III, Elis Volochati.

“Networking is essential for us professionals who work in the area. We observed how important it is to be aware of the transmission and treatment of tuberculosis and leprosy, demystifying preconceived ideas. Our objective at CRAS is to work together with institutions in the local network to build work strategies with the families served. It was gratifying to see the commitment of the SAE team and the participation of our entire network at this meeting”, added Elis.

It is important to pay attention to the symptoms of tuberculosis to identify the disease as quickly as possible. Therefore, if the individual notices coughing for more than three weeks, lack of appetite, weight loss and low fever in the late afternoon, it is recommended to seek medical help.

“The initial assessment to start tuberculosis treatment is generally carried out in the SAE, but can also be carried out by Primary Care. After this assessment, we send the medication to the responsible Health Unit monthly and the community health agent administers the supervised dose of medication daily. During the six-month treatment, the patient continues to be monitored by the entire SAE team”, informed Larissa.

SAE is located at Rua Presidente Getúlio Vargas, 1981 – Centro. The contact telephone number is (42) 3142 – 1572.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Department Health Department Social Assistance Development carry joint actions combat Tuberculosis

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