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Blood sugar: take control

Photo: Pexels/Ella Olsson

In a country where more than 2 million people have pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes, it is good news to know that this health problem can be reversed.

Who was this diet designed for?
It was designed mainly for people with type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes (with blood sugar levels above normal values). It’s a quick weight loss diet that focuses on eating good quality protein, fat and vegetables.
That’s 800 calories per day for 8 weeks. The food is based on the Mediterranean diet and, although there is no pizza or pasta, it is very rich in fish, fruit, vegetables, nuts, cheese and olive oil. It is allowed to drink a little red wine and dark chocolate, it is not to deprive yourself of anything.

Should I speak to the doctor before starting?
Yes, especially if you are taking medication. Blood sugar levels and blood pressure will drop quickly, so you should stop taking your medications. This diet was created with the help of one of Europe’s leading diabetes experts, Professor Roy Taylor, from the University of Newcastle, who has published many studies and essays on the topic.
It is not a fad diet, in the UK it has been very well received by the medical community.

There are those who are overweight and want to follow this diet, can they?
Yes, it is an extremely effective way to lose weight, and quickly.
All of the weight loss experts I spoke to agree that rapid weight loss, as long as it is done properly, is more likely to be effective in both the short and long term.
But be careful, this is not a flash diet or a radical diet.
It is important to have enough protein and other essential nutrients and this is perfectly possible if you consume 800 calories. The nutritionist who created the recipes in my book, Dr Sarah Schenker, is one of the UK’s top experts.

What do we have to be prepared to overcome?
It can be tough in the first few days, but many people have told me that it is a surprisingly easy diet to follow because the hunger goes away after a while and you get used to it. Unlike those that are very low in fat, the foods on this diet will keep you full. It is also very rewarding to see that we are losing weight quickly. If you have type 2 diabetes (or are pre-diabetic) and you have to measure your sugar levels, you will see a big and quick improvement too.

What types of foods should we not eat at all?

Try to keep sugar and foods that turn to sugar quickly as soon as you eat them to a minimum. This includes white rice, wheat pasta and white bread.

And after 8 weeks?
You should follow a Mediterranean diet according to the parameters I wrote in the book, practice physical exercise that reduces stress, because this is one of the main reasons why people devour sugary carbohydrates.

How to keep hunger under control?
You should eliminate all unhealthy food from your pantry. You can eat a little cheese, chicken or nuts when you are hungry. Drink lots of tea, coffee and water.
Mix sparkling water with cucumber or lemon to make a refreshing drink.

What signs or symptoms should we look out for if something is wrong?
I suggest that two weeks after starting this diet, you analyze how things have been going: are you able to maintain the strictness of the diet? How are you sleeping? If you get really hungry at night, keep some of your snacks available to eat at that time.
How are you emotionally? If you’re feeling unwell, it’s best to switch to a light version of the 2-day diet (where you just cut calories to 800 twice a week).

Is exercise important?
Exercising is a terrible way to lose weight but very important to keep it off. I wrote an entire chapter dedicated to the different types of exercises you can do. It is important not only to increase your heart rate regularly but also to do some resistance exercises.

Can most people reverse diabetes?
It depends on how long you have had diabetes. If you are pre-diabetic and lose 10% of your body weight when following this diet, you will reduce your risk of suffering from the disease by 90%. During his research, Roy Taylor discovered that 87% of people who had type 2 diabetes for less than two years were able to return to normal blood sugar levels without medication. If they maintained their weight, they could avoid it. If you have been diabetic for more than 8 years, then the probability of reversal is around 50%. I, who was pre-diabetic, lost 10kg 4 years ago and my blood sugar levels have not risen again, they have remained normal since then.
If you are unable to reverse the disease, what are the benefits of this diet?
You can at least reduce your medication significantly and this includes blood pressure and cholesterol medications. I have known several cases of people who were already at the stage where they needed insulin injections and who, after following the diet, no longer needed them.

‘How to Control Blood Sugar’, Michael Mosley. Consult your doctor if you want to start any diet

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Blood sugar control