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Does lemon help you lose weight? Nutritionist tells the truth about fruit

Nutritionist Patricia Leite shared the health benefits of regularly consuming lemon and how to incorporate it into your diet. The professional highlights that fruit is a rich source of essential nutrients.

Adding this fruit to the menu promises to greatly benefit your health – Photo: Unsplash/ND

Health benefits of lemon

Lemon is rich in vitamin C, antioxidants and bioactive compounds, these nutrients play vital roles in various bodily functions and can help promote good health.

Among the benefits highlighted by the nutritionist is the fruit’s ability to help control weight, facilitating digestion and helping to detoxify the liver. Video about the fruit was published on YouTube.

Making lemonades is a great way to add fruit to your diet – Photo: Freepik/ND

She explains how consuming lemon, especially when added to water, can take up space in the stomach and reduce appetite.

Another advantage pointed out by the nutritionist is that this fruit can help prevent kidney stones, due to its citric acid content, and improve the health of skin, hair and nails, due to its richness in vitamin C.

She also highlights lemon’s role in promoting a strong immune system and regulating blood pressure.

Patricia talks about the importance of incorporating lemon in a balanced way into the daily diet, warning that it should not replace other foods or prescribed medical treatments.

How to include lemon in your diet?

Patricia, during her video, offers simple and practical suggestions for including fruit in your diet, such as adding a few drops of lemon juice to water or using it as a seasoning in culinary dishes.

The nutritionist states that lemon is a versatile and widely available fruit, which can be easily incorporated into various meals and drinks.

One of the suggested ways is to start the day with warm water and a few squeezed lemon slices. According to the nutritionist, this practice not only helps with hydration in the morning, but can also stimulate the digestive system and provide an initial dose of vitamin C.

Drops of the fruit can be added to salad to replace salt – Photo: Freepik/ND

Another suggestion is to add fresh fruit juice to salads, sauces and marinades, because the fruit not only adds a touch of citrus flavor, but can also help enhance the flavor of food.

The nutritionist also recommends preparing homemade lemonades, using fresh squeezed lemon and natural sweeteners, such as honey or stevia, as a healthy alternative to sugary soft drinks.

For those who enjoy cooking, Patricia suggests using the fruit as a seasoning in culinary dishes, adding a few drops of lemon juice to fish, poultry, vegetables and grains.

Check out the nutritionist’s full video:

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: lemon lose weight Nutritionist tells truth fruit