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SC faces a wave of dengue, flu and Covid cases in contrast to low demand for vaccines

Attentive to details, publicist Aroldo Azevedo took his son, Lui Gabriel Azevedo, 10 years old, to get the dengue vaccine in Florianópolis. The boy is part of the age group that can be immunized against the disease that recorded more than 100 deaths in Santa Catarina since the beginning of 2024 — an unprecedented number.

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In the vaccination room, he checked the date to return with his son for the second dose, and questioned the availability of the flu vaccine, which is being campaigned until the end of May, also for priority groups, which includes children up to 5 years of age. . The boy, calmly, says he is used to vaccination, and reinforces the need to take the doses with his family.

— Vaccine is life. I’m always updating myself, always paying attention to the dates. In the first few days we already have vaccination coverage. Both his and mine, everyone at home. He himself takes the initiative, when he sees the date, to come to the clinic — says his father.

In the case of student Vitória Souza Wiggers, 21 years old, it is concern for her parents’ health that makes her try to always keep her vaccination record up to date and participate in campaigns.

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— We become more immune, right? It doesn’t come so close to illnesses, to do so much harm. So for me this is very important, especially because my parents already had cancer — recalls Vitória.

She went to Espaço Imuniza, a vaccination center in the capital, to take the flu vaccine. The campaign against Influenza continues until the end of May, and is still far from reaching the goal. According to data from the Ministry of Health, vaccination coverage in Santa Catarina was at 28.38% in Wednesday’s update (24). Vaccination coverage data only considers the vaccination of children, health workers, pregnant women, postpartum women, the elderly and teachers.

Serious cases put pressure on the healthcare system

The State has just over 3 million people who are part of these priority groups, however, until last Wednesday, 726,168 doses had been administered, including single doses, first and second doses. Although far from the goal of immunizing 90% of the target audience, the vaccination coverage rate in Santa Catarina is above the Brazilian rate, which is 23.51%, with 15.5 million doses applied to date.

The low demand for vaccines results in an increase in the number of cases in the State and the severity of these diseases. As a result, the health system becomes overloaded, as infectious disease doctor Marcos Paulo Guchert states.

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— With low vaccination coverage, there is an increase in the circulation of viruses in the community, with a consequent increase in cases of diseases and a greater number of individuals developing serious conditions. Mild cases overwhelm primary care (Basic Health Units and Emergency Care Units), while serious cases put pressure on the health system in terms of hospital beds, both in common wards and intensive care beds. — comments the doctor.

In the case of influenza, the vaccination campaign is programmed by the Ministry of Health in a specific time window that considers the period in which Influenza viruses circulate most. Because of this, getting vaccinated as soon as possible is important. This is what infectious disease doctor Carolina Ponzi highlights.

— We know that any vaccine takes three to four weeks to take effect. But if we think about it, if people get vaccinated now, they will be immunized at the end of May, which is when respiratory viruses begin to circulate more intensely. The longer people delay immunization, the longer it will take for them to be immune. So, for longer the population remains vulnerable – claims Carolina.

The same warning is made by Marcos, who reinforces the urgency of vaccination, since with the arrival of cold weather, the circulation of the virus increases.

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— Influenza (or flu), in particular, tends to reach its peak in circulation in the cold months, which are approaching. It is imperative and urgent to improve adherence to vaccines at this time, which precedes the peak seasonality of the disease — highlights the infectious disease specialist.

As it is a debilitating disease, with symptoms such as high fever and body pain, the flu causes many people to seek health services, which causes an overload on the system, says doctor Carolina.

Among the main diseases that have appeared in health units are dengue fever, cases of Influenza and Covid-19, which, added to other respiratory diseases and illnesses that already affect the population regularly, make the situation worrying. The great demand for the public health system reflects the lack of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) beds in the Unified Health System (SUS). The occupancy rate has remained high: the update on Tuesday (23) indicated 93.16% occupancy of the total 1,316 active beds in the State, with 90 beds available.

The most critical region was Foz do Rio Itajaí, with 98.9% occupancy and only one bed available. The situation in the North and Northeast Plateau is also a concern, with 97.49% of beds occupied. Greater Florianópolis has 96.30% of beds occupied, and Vale do Itajaí has ​​95.24%. The Midwest and Serra Catarinense appear with 93.19% occupancy, and the Greater West with 92.05%.

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Decentralized application and campaigns to vaccinate more

According to the State Department of Health, around 60% of visits to hospital emergencies are currently due to respiratory diseases.. At Hospital Infantil Joana de Gusmão, in Florianópolis, 70% of those admitted to the ICU are patients with respiratory diseases. At Hospital Jeser Amarante Faria, in Joinville, this percentage reaches 40%.

— Respiratory diseases arrived, compared to last year, in an earlier period. And this movement has been felt in all regions, especially in the care of elderly and pediatric patients — reinforces the Secretary of State for Health of Santa Catarina, Carmen Zanotto.

Asked about the actions taken to increase vaccination rates in Santa Catarina, the State Department of Health stated that it has publicized the vaccination campaign and decentralized the application of doses, with immunization taking place in places such as schools, squares, shopping malls and vans itinerant.

— This week the Ministry of Health was also asked to expand the age range for flu vaccination among children, from 6 to 12 years old, and is awaiting approval — said the secretary.

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The State government also highlighted the opening of new ICU beds, with 163 new beds since last year, 53 neonatal, 46 pediatric and 64 adult. In addition, infirmary beds were opened, as in Joinville, with more than 60 beds dedicated to patients with dengue and respiratory diseases.

SC faces challenges in vaccinating the population

Espaço Imuniza is a vaccination reference in the capital (Photo: Lucas Amorelli DC)

Demand for the dengue vaccine is lower than expected (Photo: Lucas Amorelli DC)

Vaccination against Covid-19 is part of the vaccination calendar (Photo: Lucas Amorelli DC)

Immunization is a collective act and saves lives (Photo: Lucas Amorelli DC)

Vaccine hesitancy and anti-vaccine movement are among the reasons for low demand (Photo: Lucas Amorelli DC)

The dengue vaccine is being administered to children and adolescents aged 10 to 14 (Photo: Lucas Amorelli DC)

State is far from reaching flu vaccination target (Photo: Lucas Amorelli DC)

Vaccination calendar must be updated (Photo: Lucas Amorelli DC)

Vaccines prevent serious forms of diseases that overwhelm the healthcare system (Photo: Lucas Amorelli DC)

The flu immunization campaign runs until May 31st (Photo: Patrick Rodrigues, NSC)

Marilésia Soares Schroeder went to the health unit to take the sixth dose against Covid-19 and the flu vaccine (Photo: Patrick Rodrigues, NSC)

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Read too

Santa Catarina will receive a new shipment of dengue vaccines; see region

Adherence to the dengue vaccine in SC is up against misinformation, says Health Department

Vaccines in Florianópolis: find out where to get immunized against dengue and flu in the Capital

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: faces wave dengue flu Covid cases contrast demand vaccines

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