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Study says which are the healthiest fruits in the world

An intensive analysis carried out by William Paterson University, in New Jersey, United States, brought to light a list of the 41 healthiest foods in the world.

Among them, there is a predominance of vegetables such as watercress, chard and spinach at the top of this list. Although fruits do not appear in the top positions, their relevance is indisputable for a balanced diet rich in nutrients.

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Study says which are the healthiest fruits in the world

What are the healthiest fruits in the world?

Among fruits, lemon is surprisingly at the top of the list, with 53 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams.

This vitamin is crucial for strengthening the immune system and fighting free radicals, as well as being vital in the production of collagen.

Complementing the exceptional fruits are strawberries, oranges and grapefruit, which are not only rich in vitamin C, but also have an excellent combination of potassium, magnesium and other essential minerals.

Credits: iSTock/MAM_SP

How was the research on healthy foods carried out?

The study focused on the analysis of 17 essential nutrients present in foods, such as vitamins A and B12, considering the caloric content of each item.

This methodology allows you to identify which foods provide the most nutritional benefits in relation to the energy they provide, highlighting vegetables as extremely nutritious options.

Health benefits of strawberries and oranges

Strawberries not only have a higher amount of vitamin C than citrus fruits with 62mg per 100 grams, but they are also sources of folic acid, iron and magnesium.

Oranges, known for their high concentration of vitamin C, are also rich in potassium and magnesium, essential for the body’s optimal cellular functioning.

Credits: iSTock/gianliguori

The contribution of blackberries and grapefruit to the diet

In addition to oranges and strawberries, blackberries and pink and red grapefruits contribute significantly to a rich and healthy diet.

Blackberries are valued for their high content of calcium, potassium and magnesium, as well as iron and manganese. Grapefruits, in turn, contain vitamin A and beta-carotene, known for improving vision and strengthening the immune system.

Why is diversifying your diet essential?

The research reinforces a crucial point: the importance of a diversified diet that combines both vegetables and fruits.

Therefore, this balance ensures adequate absorption of essential nutrients, contributing to a healthier body and improved general well-being.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Study healthiest fruits world