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Portal Prudentino – Prudente has only 26.21% vaccinated against the flu virus

This week, Presidente Prudente achieved only 26.21% vaccination coverage against Influenza, the virus that causes the flu. The data is from Municipal Epidemiological Surveillance (VEM).

The numbers follow the average observed across the country. The State of São Paulo accounts for 22.43% of the target audience immunized, that is, below the target of 90%.

The campaign’s target audience in Prudente was estimated at 94,640 people. To date, 20,022 doses have been administered.

The elderly account for the majority of vaccines administered: 12,916. Next: children, with 2,293; health workers, with 1,848; people with comorbidities, 1,835.

The immunizer used in this year’s campaign is trivalent, that is, it presents three types of virus strains in combination, protecting against the main viruses circulating in Brazil, such as Influenza A (H1N1), Influenza A (H2N3) and Influenza B .

At this stage of the campaign, people in the priority group can be vaccinated:

– Children aged 6 months to under 6 years;

– People aged 60 and over;

– Pregnant women;

– Postpartum women;

– Indigenous people living outside indigenous lands;

– Indigenous people living on indigenous land;

– Quilombolas;

– Health workers;

– People with permanent disabilities;

– Adolescents undergoing socio-educational measures (< 18 years old);

– Population deprived of liberty (< 18 years old);

– Employee of the Deprivation of Liberty System;

– Comorbidities;

– Teachers;

– Armed forces;

– People living on the streets;

– Security and Rescue Forces;

– Truck drivers;

– Public road transport workers;

– Port workers.

It is worth mentioning that, in the new registration model, the Influenza vaccination record will be launched in the system nominally, in the same way as the vaccination against Covid-19, therefore, the population needs to appear at the health unit with a CPF.

In the case of children who do not yet have the document, those responsible must present the birth certificate.

The vaccine is available in all 28 vaccination rooms, from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday. On Saturdays, there is a shift at ESF Vila Marcondes, from 9am to 3pm.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Portal Prudentino Prudente vaccinated flu virus