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Creatine: supplement goes beyond physical benefits and improves cognitive health

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In a world where the search for better physical and cognitive performance never ceases, creatine emerges as one of the most studied and effective supplements available on the market. With the support of health professionals and athletes, its role in improving health and well-being is undeniable. Vitafor nutritionist, Lucila Santinon, highlights that it is beneficial not only in the sports field, but also for mental health.

“Creatine is an amino acid compound found in muscle fibers, produced naturally by the body in small quantities and is present in abundance in foods of animal origin, such as red meat, chicken and fish. In addition to the physical benefits, it helps with cognitive function. Research reveals that individuals with creatine deficiency syndromes show significant improvements in areas such as memory and learning when using supplementation”, explains the specialist.

It is no surprise that creatine was the most researched sports food supplement in Brazil in 2023, according to data released by Google this year. It showed growth of more than 30% compared to 2022, leading the ranking, even ahead of Whey Protein.

At Vitafor, supplementation has also been standing out among consumers. “Our CREATINE® and CREAFORT® are food supplements composed of 100% high quality creatine monohydrate, concentrated sources of this nutrient, and can be recommended for vegetarians, vegans, or anyone looking to optimize their creatine levels”, comments the nutritionist Lucila.

The popularity of creatine among professional and amateur athletes is no coincidence. Its ability to increase performance in high-intensity, short-duration exercise is well documented, with numerous studies pointing to significant improvements in strength, power, and muscle recovery. This is due to creatine’s role in the rapid regeneration of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the body’s main energy source, allowing muscles to work harder and longer.

Vitafor’s creatines are available on the brand’s e-commerce and at retailers throughout Brazil. CREATINE® in 300g and 100g versions and CREAFORT® in 300g options and packaging with 30 sachets of 3g each. More information on the website www.vitafor.com.br, social media and SAC 0800-7713040.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Creatine supplement physical benefits improves cognitive health