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Understand the risks of consuming energy drinks

By Ana Luiza Oliveira
Ceub Agency/Jornal de Brasília

If you are preparing for weekend parties, and have already planned an energy drink to have more fun in the early hours of the morning, it is important to find out about this type of product.

With refrigerators in supermarkets, bars and nightclubs full of this type of drink, health professionals have warned of possible risks.

People who choose to be more “connected” for studies, physical activities and also for work and who resort to this type of drink, must pay attention to the ingredients in the drinks.

In a decade, energy consumption doubled, going from 400 ml per year per inhabitant to 870 ml per year per inhabitant.

Young consumers

According to nutritionist Brenda Kiara, who works in clinics in Brasília, most patients who consume the drink are young people or people studying for competitions. She explains that one possibility to have an energetic effect is to switch to filtered coffee.

She explains that energy drinks are a drink that helps stimulate human energy and are made up of caffeine and taurine.

Caffeine acts in the brain to prevent the action of adenosine, which is a hormone resulting from the brain’s energy burning. The compound eliminates cells that are responsible for keeping us awake.

Compromised sleep

Nutritionist Brenda Kiara says that we have to stay alert because the person consuming it could lose sleep.

“Recent studies observe that the routine use of this type of drink has caused changes in mood, with an increase in cortisol and also in heart rate. In addition to having a high sugar content, with an average of 13% of the total daily value for a 2,000-calorie diet”, says the nutritionist informs.

More risks

Doctors warn that too much caffeine products can cause nausea, dizziness, insomnia and especially anxiety.
”Since it is rich in caffeine, which increases the likelihood of cardiovascular events, especially when combined with alcoholic beverages” says nutritionist Brenda Kiara.
She explains that it is necessary to use these drinks responsibly and appropriately. The professional also warns that children, pregnant women, the elderly and people with cardiovascular diseases should not consume this type of drink.

Supervision by Luiz Claudio Ferreira

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Understand risks consuming energy drinks