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Expert points out signs of hearing loss in babies and children

According to the Brazilian Society of Otology (SBO), out of every thousand children born in Brazil, around three to five are born with hearing impairment. Furthermore, it is estimated that approximately 5.8 million Brazilians have some degree of deafness. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the signs of hearing loss in babies and children.

Expert points out signs of hearing loss in babies and children

Photo: Shutterstock / Saúde em Dia

Hereditary hearing loss is one of the main causes of deafness in children. According to Ariane Gonçalves, audiologist at the AudioFisa clinic, hearing specialist and author of the book Uncomplicating Hearing Loss, the condition is the consequence of a combination of genetic factors, where mutations in specific genes can predispose an individual to this condition.

“These mutations can affect the structure or function of auditory cells in the inner ear, resulting in progressive hearing loss over time,” he explains.

Signs of Hearing Loss in Babies

According to the expert, parents can identify hereditary hearing loss in babies by observing some signs. Are they:

  • Lack of reaction to sounds;
  • Absence of vocalization;
  • Difficulty following surrounding sounds;
  • Do not wake up to loud noises
  • Do not follow sound objects with your eyes.

“Parents can observe these signs from the first months of their baby’s life and should report them to their doctor for proper evaluation. In addition, medical examinations, such as the acoustic reflex test or auditory evoked potential, can help confirm the diagnosis”, points out Ariane.


According to the audiologist, diagnosing hereditary hearing loss in babies as early as possible is crucial to starting early interventions. “The sooner hearing loss is identified, the sooner babies can begin receiving support and intervention services. This maximizes their opportunities for language and communication development,” she highlights.

One of the most effective ways of diagnosis is the hearing screening test for newborns, also known as Universal Neonatal Hearing Screening (UNHS), generally carried out before hospital discharge.

“The test consists of emitting soft sounds through headphones placed in the baby’s ears, while the responses of the auditory system are recorded. It is highly effective in early detection of hearing problems in babies”, says the specialist.

Impacts on child development

The audiologist remembers that hearing loss can have significant impacts on the development of language and communication in babies. This is because the limited ability to hear and process sounds can hinder the acquisition of spoken language and social interaction.

“Without adequate intervention, this can lead to delays in the development of speech and verbal comprehension”, he warns.


Although there is no definitive cure for hereditary hearing loss, there are treatment options that aim to maximize babies’ hearing and communication skills, points out Ariane.

In addition to hearing aids, hearing and speech therapies can help babies develop their communication skills. Furthermore, in some more serious cases, cochlear implants may be a treatment option.

“Regular medical monitoring and early intervention are essential to guarantee the best possible outcome for babies with hereditary hearing loss”, highlights the specialist. The professional also remembers that hearing aids play a crucial role in the treatment of hearing loss in babies.

“These devices amplify sounds, allowing babies with hereditary hearing loss to have access to the sound stimuli they need to develop their listening and communication skills. The sooner babies start using hearing aids, the better the outcome will be in their auditory and linguistic development “, he highlights.


Even in hereditary cases, parents can take simple preventive measures to protect their babies’ hearing from an early age. The specialist recommends, for example, avoiding exposure to loud noises, using ear protectors in noisy environments, keeping the volume of audio devices at safe levels and carrying out regular medical exams to monitor the baby’s hearing health.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Expert points signs hearing loss babies children