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Vaccination against foot-and-mouth disease ends this month and will not be extended in the AM, warns Adaf | Amazon

1 of 1 Amazonas are free from foot-and-mouth disease without vaccination. — Photo: Diego Peres/Secom
Amazonas is free from foot-and-mouth disease without vaccination. — Photo: Diego Peres/Secom

The Agricultural and Forestry Defense Agency of the State of Amazonas (Adaf) warns livestock farmers that the last vaccination campaign against foot-and-mouth disease ends next Tuesday (30) and the deadline will not be extended.

According to Ordinance 665 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (Mapa), of March 21, 2024, from May onwards, the sale or even storage of foot-and-mouth disease vaccines will not be permitted in Amazonas, as well as in 15 other states. and in the Federal District.

“We have been warning producers since the beginning of the campaign. There is no possibility of extending vaccination. Those who have not yet been vaccinated have until Tuesday to purchase the vaccines and immunize their flock”, warns the CEO of Adaf, José Omena.

The vaccines are available in agricultural houses registered with the municipality and in 41 offices of the Institute for Sustainable Agricultural and Forestry Development of the State of Amazonas (Idam), where there are no authorized resellers.

José Omena also warns that producers who have already vaccinated their herd must notify the procedure as soon as possible.

“The notification continues until May 15th, but we advise that the producer, armed with the vaccine invoice, goes to the Adaf office in his municipality and communicates the vaccination of his animals”, he highlights.

The guidance aims to avoid queues at offices in the final days of mandatory communication or missing the deadline which, warns Adaf’s Animal Defense Management (GDA), will not be extended. In addition to the in-person modality, notification can also be made via remote service on (92) 99238-5568.

Foot-and-mouth disease harms producers, entrepreneurs and rural families, causing the loss of production, the compulsory sacrifice of animals and the closure of properties. Therefore, replacing vaccination with other measures is positive for the economy, livestock farmers and society.

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Vaccination footandmouth disease ends month extended warns Adaf Amazon