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5 mistakes to avoid when dieting

Credits: hxyume/istock

Diet mistakes: Weight loss will be a consequence of adopting a healthy lifestyle – iStock/Getty Images

A balanced combination of good nutrition, exercise and healthy mind It can be the most assertive path for those looking to lose a few pounds on the scale.

Often considered a difficult mission to accomplish, the weight loss journey can indeed be less arduous. To do this, all you need is a little knowledge and the necessary attention to identify and correct any mistakes in the search for the weight loss.

Mistakes that should be avoided in the diet:


For example, a very common mistake in diets is drastically cutting out carbohydrates. This is because, although they have been transformed into villains in recent years, they are essential for providing energy for our daily activities, as well as regulating the feeling of satiety.

Therefore, make no mistake: it is essential to consume carbohydrates, especially those that are healthier and rich in fiber.

Furthermore, it is worth remembering that only a balanced and diverse diet, with the intake of all types of food, will allow the body to function optimally.

Physical exercises

Another very common mistake is to focus only on aerobic exercises and neglect strength training. It’s not about eliminating aerobic training, but rather complementing it with hypertrophy exercises.

These are essential for increasing and maintaining muscle mass, which consequently speeds up our metabolism, even when we are at rest.

Excesses are as harmful as eliminating carbohydrates from the diet or focusing only on aerobic exercise. It is essential to understand that small slips are common and should not turn into a snowball.

To avoid overdoing it, it is recommended to use calorie tracking apps, which provide an overview of daily calorie consumption and help us stay in control.

And restrictive diets

Restrictive diets, in addition to being harmful to health, are difficult to maintain in the long term.

You should occasionally allow yourself a meal outside of your eating plan – as long as it is not an ultra-processed food.

A free meal, when consumed in moderation, brings benefits to mental and emotional health, as the brain interprets this action as a reward.

Which diet is the best for losing weight?

Remember, there is no magic diet for weight loss. The human body is complex and each person reacts differently to different types of diet. If your current diet has stopped bringing results, it may be time to look for a new approach.

To do this, the ideal is to seek assistance from a nutritionist, who can customize a diet according to your individual needs and goals. In short, the weight loss process is a journey that requires discipline, patience and, above all, self-knowledge.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: mistakes avoid dieting