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International Day to Fight Endometriosis: learn about the symptoms and treatments of the disease | Social responsability

In day May 7th is celebrated ‘International Day to Fight Endometriosis’a disease that affects 1 in 10 women, according to the Ministry of Health. For this reason, gynecologists, Gustavo Rodrigues It is Eduardo Loyola Villas Boasexplained the symptoms and difficulties of this silent and painful disease for women.

Such as endometriosis is a silent diseaseit is essential to differentiate normal symptoms during the menstrual period from symptoms that may indicate the presence of the disease. Mild cramping is normal during this period, but if the pain does not go away, even with medication, and starts to intensify, it is important to seek medical help.

  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Pain when having a bowel movement or urinating during your menstrual period
  • Bleeding in the neck or stool
  • Intense colic, which does not go away with medication
  • Severe pain in the lower back, pelvic region and legs
  • Diarrhea, nausea, constipation, or bloating during menstruation
  • Difficulty getting pregnant

2 of 4 Ultrasonography does not allow the identification of endometriosis, an MRI scan is necessary — Photo: Freepik
Ultrasound does not allow the identification of endometriosis, an MRI scan is necessary — Photo: Freepik

O Gustavo reported that the best way to get a diagnosis of the disease is through a nuclear magnetic resonance. In addition to also carrying out physical and touch clinical examinations, and maintaining good communication with the patient, to understand what the symptoms are and refer them to the most appropriate treatment.

“It is common in the office that patients have at least 6 to 9 years to get this diagnosis, something that a conversation or a clinical examination can anticipate well and, thus, have early control of the disease so that the patient does not progress to a more serious form.”, said the doctor.

The endometriosis specialist, Eduardo Loyola Villas Boasalso added that there are no different types of endometriosis, but rather different stages of the disease, such as light It is deepin addition to a variation of locations affected by these “endometrial foci” outside the uterus, that is, which organs are being affected.

Pain is not normal ⚠️

3 of 4 Intense menstrual cramps are not normal, you need to seek medical help — Photo: Pexels
Intense menstrual cramps are not normal, you need to seek medical help — Photo: Pexels

Much is said about delay in diagnosing endometriosis and this happens due to several factors. Despite being a common disease among women, according to the gynecologist and endometriosis specialist, Eduardo Loyola Villas Boasone of the reasons for this delay is the fact that the patient rarely visits the doctor, the lack of access to perform imaging tests and the normalization of pain.

The patient cannot accept that the pain is normal, especially one that requires going to the emergency room. If she has pain that an analgesic doesn’t improve, that causes pain when having a bowel movement and diarrhea during her menstrual period, she needs to see a specialist,” said Eduardo.

The month of May is also the mothers month and one of the consequences caused by endometriosis is infertility. According to the gynecologist Gustavo Rodrigues, 50% of couples who suffer from difficulty getting pregnant have endometriosis as the main cause of this problem. However, the doctor highlighted that pregnancy is possible, even with the disease, what needs to be done is an assessment to understand the best way to carry it out, as each case is unique.

“Patients with endometriosis can get pregnant, this depends on the degree and extent of the disease, but if it is an initial disease, well controlled and little inflamed, the woman can get pregnant.”, added gynecologist Eduardo Loyola.

4 of 4 Expert highlights that pain during the menstrual period, especially pain that does not improve with medication, is not normal — Photo: Freepik
Expert highlights that pain during the menstrual period, especially pain that does not improve with medication, is not normal — Photo: Freepik

The gynecologist, Eduardo Loyolareinforces that the treatment is more focused on the symptoms of the disease, as “there is no medication that will end endometriosis”. Ideally, focus on food, nutritionIt is physical exercisealready the medication used to reduce symptoms, but not the disease itself.

As the more a woman menstruates, the more the disease progresses, it is important to look for ways to prevent this process and not cause further damage to the uterus with the help of contraceptives, IUD It is hormonal remedies and, in more serious cases, surgery.