Ice “flakes” are already falling in Serra da Estrela. Snow arrives Thursday | Snow

Ice “flakes” are already falling in Serra da Estrela. Snow arrives Thursday | Snow
Ice “flakes” are already falling in Serra da Estrela. Snow arrives Thursday | Snow

The tiny chunks of ice didn’t even register as snowfall, but they didn’t go unnoticed. Some users of the social network Throughout the day, temperatures in the region hovered around two degrees Celsius, with minimums expected to reach minus 4 degrees Celsius. Snow, more seriously, is expected for next Thursday.

Speaking to PÚBLICO, IPMA (Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere) says it is aware of the situation, but adds that it has not yet been monitored, as they are “little snowflakes in the Torre area” at an altitude of 1800 meters. “We have no observation on site and as there was little precipitation it was not even recorded”, says Madalena Rodrigues, meteorologist at the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere.

For snow lovers, it wasn’t just this Monday that Serra da Estrela was covered in white. However, the IPMA states that from November 2nd, Thursday, “snow is expected for the region”. Despite this forecast, the peak snow season in this region continues to be marked at the beginning of the year, from January to March.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Ice flakes falling Serra Estrela Snow arrives Thursday Snow

