Portugal is the 3rd European country with the highest percentage of fixed-term contracts



“In Portugal, one in every six workers has a fixed-term contract, a ratio that has remained almost unchanged over the last 20 years”, indicates a study by Pordata on the labor market in Portugal, as part of the 1st of May, Day of the Worker.

One in every six workers in Portugal has a fixed-term contract, being the 3rd European country with the highest percentage, according to data published by Pordata.

A Pordata portrait of the labor market in Portugal reveals that 17.4% of workers in the country have a fixed-term contract, above the European Union average (13.4%).

“In Portugal, one in every six workers has a fixed-term contract, a ratio that has remained almost unchanged over the last 20 years”, he points out.

Among the countries with the highest percentage of fixed-term contracts are Serbia and the Netherlands.

On the other hand, Portugal is the 10th country out of 27 in European Union with a lower proportion of part-time workersas only eight out of every 100 workers are part-time.

“Looking only at Portuguese women who are employed, only one in 10 does so part-time. It is the 9th country in the EU27 with the lowest percentage of women employed ‘part-time'”, points out Pordata, which points out that in the Netherlands and Austria more than half of employed women work under this scheme.

5th EU country with the lowest average salary

Portugal is also the 5th country in the European Union with the lowest average salary, with the areas of agriculture and fishing and accommodation and catering being the sectors where the least is earned.

Pordata data reveals that Portugal is the 5th country with the lowest average salary, when considering the cost of living, just above Slovakia, Greece, Hungary and Bulgaria.

On the other hand, in Spain salaries are, on average, a third higher than in Portugal.

Pordata also reveals that the average annual salary per worker (without purchasing power parity) in Portugal was the 10th lowest of the EU countries, in 2022, with salaries in the 10 countries that register the highest being, at least twice as high as those of the 10 countries in the tail (which includes Portugal).

The Portuguese minimum wage, when considered in purchasing power parity, is also among the 10 lowest of the 22 countries in the European Union with a minimum wage.

“In 20 years, Portugal was surpassed by Poland, Lithuania and Romania with regard to the national minimum wage (SMN)”, he says, adding that the national minimum wage is 26% lower than in Spain and 47% lower than in France.

The data reveals that the average monthly salary of employees in Portugal (including overtime, holiday and Christmas bonuses or bonuses) was 1,368 euros in 2022.

With Lusa

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Portugal #3rd European country highest percentage fixedterm contracts



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