Public Ministry accuses Palmela GNR soldiers of kidnapping and abuse of power against minors

Public Ministry accuses Palmela GNR soldiers of kidnapping and abuse of power against minors
Public Ministry accuses Palmela GNR soldiers of kidnapping and abuse of power against minors

After the interrogation, the criminal investigation judge of the Setúbal Court decided to apply the coercive measure of prohibiting contact between the defendants and the victims to the four professionals.

Four GNR soldiers from Palmela are suspected of attacking three minors in the early hours of April 11 and are charged with the crimes of aggravated kidnapping, harm to physical integrity and abuse of power, the Public Ministry revealed this Wednesday.

According to a statement from the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the District of Setúbal, following an investigation into police action in that incident, the four soldiers were interviewed on May 2nd by a criminal investigation judge from the Setúbal Court, who confirmed the indictment. of the facts and the legal qualification proposed by the Public Prosecutor’s Office.

According to the statement, the four soldiers are suspected of three crimes of aggravated kidnapping, three crimes of qualified physical integrity, three crimes of aggravated threat and also crimes of abuse of power, document forgery and slanderous accusation.

After the interrogation, the criminal investigation judge of the Setúbal Court decided to apply the coercive measure of prohibiting contact between the defendants and the victims to the four professionals.

The Public Ministry also states that the criminal investigation judge considered the proposal for the “immediate suspension of duties” of the four soldiers “disproportionate”, but promises to appeal the decision.

According to the online edition of Correio da Manhã, the issues involved were attacks on three minors who the military “picked up on the streets of the town, but who allegedly had not committed any crime nor were they suspected of committing any crime”.

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Public Ministry accuses Palmela GNR soldiers kidnapping abuse power minors

