Coimbra Prison Establishment celebrates April 25th with a focus on education

Coimbra Prison Establishment celebrates April 25th with a focus on education
Coimbra Prison Establishment celebrates April 25th with a focus on education

On the 3rd of May, the Coimbra Prison Establishment (EPC) hosted the event “50 years of the 25th of April: 50 years of progress and access to Education and Training”. The event was attended by the general director of Reinsertion and Prison Services (DGRSP), Rui Abrunhosa Gonçalves, and the director of the Protocol Center for Professional Training for the Justice sector (CPJ), Conceição Matos.

The session began with a reception by the EPC director, Orlando Carvalho, followed by a visit to the CPJ training space. During this visit, those present were able to watch a demonstration of the skills acquired by graduates of the EFA NS Electrical Installation Technician course.

The program also included the presentation of a shadow theater show, performed and performed by the trainees, in honor of the 50th anniversary of the 25th of April, as well as the testimony of skills acquired throughout life by a trainee of the EFA B3 course Hotel Maintenance Operator.

Highlighting the importance of acquiring skills throughout life, Luís Alcoforado, professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, gave an intervention, bringing to discussion years of research and reflection on adult education and training.

The event continued with the closing of the EFA Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technician course, followed by the delivery of diplomas, and the official opening of the new EFA B3 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Electromechanical course.

The final interventions were made by the director of CPJ and the general director of DGRSP.

The article is in Portuguese


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