Warehouses filled with goods to support flood victims in Brazil. Organization suspends campaign that “exceeded expectations”


A fundraising campaign for those affected by the floods in Brazil, especially in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, went so well that it was necessary to suspend the collection of donations. The initiative was launched on Tuesday and, three days later, the organization announced the suspension of an action that was “a success”. On Rua da Prata, in downtown Lisbon, Expresso found several boxes of clothes, food and other goods in front of a store, where a poster refers to a contact for the same organization.

“All our warehouses in Lisbon and surrounding areas are full and for this reason we are temporarily suspending the receipt of donations. At this moment, the work of sorting and internal logistics is enormous and, therefore, volunteers are needed”, said the SOS RS page in Portugal, in a Publication on Instagram.

The organization praised the activism of those who offered help, especially the large Brazilian diaspora living in Portugal. But the warehouses that accumulate the charitable donations of many people – which reach four tons – are completely full and a flight that was supposed to leave this Friday, after all, did not happen.

According to the News by the Minuteand which was later confirmed by Camila Fernandes, from the SOS RS movement in Portugal, that there was a “lapse” in the announcement, and explained that the difficulties of the campaign are only logistical.

“This is a private initiative. There is no involvement from the Portuguese Government. We still don’t have confirmation on how we will take all these goods to Brazil, but it will arrive”, he said. The spokesperson also indicated that “transport to Brazil is under negotiations”, but many users criticized the organization in comments on the video, lamenting the accumulation of goods.

Notícias ao Minuto reports that several Brazilian celebrities are promoting the SOS RS movement in Portugal, seeking to help the campaign gain notoriety in order to be able to send goods.

However, two days ago, the Brazilian Consulate in Lisbon and Porto distanced itself from the campaign, publishing a statement on Instagram in which he said he had “no relationship with personal initiatives regarding donations of goods and values ​​to those affected”. “It is recommended that those interested in making donations of any kind inform themselves about the initiatives and official means made available by the Federal Government and the government of Rio Grande do Sul”, adds the consulate.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Warehouses filled goods support flood victims Brazil Organization suspends campaign exceeded expectations

