From the fear of poetry to the aversion to knees, to the fear of being watched by ducks. The strangest phobias you’ve ever heard of

From the fear of poetry to the aversion to knees, to the fear of being watched by ducks. The strangest phobias you’ve ever heard of
From the fear of poetry to the aversion to knees, to the fear of being watched by ducks. The strangest phobias you’ve ever heard of

From fear of spiders to claustrophobia, including fear of clowns or fear of heights. We all have fears, but there is a vast set of phobias, which affect a large number of people every day, and which are, to say the least, “peculiar”.

Firstly, it is important to mention that when talking about phobias, these are generally stronger and more paralyzing feelings than common fears. It’s not about feeling an impression when you look down while standing at the top of a building or the desire to run away when you come across an insect. It is believed that around 20% of the world’s population suffers from some type of phobia, whether in relation to a particular object or situation.

Although the term – which derives from the Greek “Phobos” – means “fear” or “terror”, the word phobia had a greater meaning than a specific fear or reaction to a potential danger. Generally, it is characterized by the state of total panic that causes an individual when faced with a certain experience or object and which can be seen as disproportionate to the real danger that the situation represents. In other words, there is a manifestation of fear, in an irrational way, which ends up impacting the life of the person who feels it.

The diagnosis of a phobia is based on the criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, a technical book that describes the various types of phobias and where the symptoms that lead to the diagnosis can be found. According to the manual, symptoms for diagnosing a phobia include fear or anxiety in relation to a specific object or situation, presented in a way that is disproportionate to the real danger and which can result in significant, immediate and persistent discomfort in the person experiencing it. feel it. Generally, the treatment of phobias involves therapy to help the patient learn to resist involuntary fear and overcome irrational reactions.

That said, some phobias can be classified as “peculiar”. From fear of knees, old people or eating peanut butter, in this list – from A to Z – you can find some of the most unusual phobias:


  • Anatidaephobia – Irrational fear of being watched by ducks or geese.
  • Arachibutyrophobia – Fear that, when eating peanut butter, it will stick to the roof of the mouth.
  • Automatonophobia – Fear of ventriloquist dummies, animatronic creatures and wax statues.


  • Batrachophobia – Fear of amphibians, such as frogs or toads.
  • Biophobia – Uncontrollable fear or repulsion towards everything that is alive.


  • Cacorrafiophobia (or, kakorrhaphiophobia in the original term) – Fear of failing or making mistakes.


  • Doraphobia – Fear of touching or feeling the skin or fur of any animal.


  • Ergophobia – Fear or aversion to work (whether manual, intellectual, etc.).
  • Scopophobia – Fear of being watched.
  • Catoptrophobia – Fear of mirrors and looking in a mirror.


  • Phobophobia – Fear of having fears or phobias.


  • Genuphobia – Fear of being on one’s knees, whether one’s own or that of others.
  • Gerontophobia – Fear of elderly people.


  • Hydrophobia – Fear of any liquid
  • Hipopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia – Fear of mispronouncing very long words.
  • Heliophobia – Fear of sunlight.


  • Iatrophobia – Fear of going to the doctor or of medical procedures.


  • Lachanophobia – Fear of vegetables.


  • Metrophobia – Fear of poetry.
  • Mysophobia – Fear of contamination, dirt or germs.


  • Nomophobia – Fear of being without your mobile device.


  • Omphalophobia – Irrational fear of belly buttons
  • Optophobia – Fear of opening your eyes


  • Pogonophobia – Fear of beards.
  • Peniaphobia – Fear of living in poverty
  • Pediophobia – Fear of dolls


  • Chenophobia – Fear of empty spaces


  • Rhytiphobia – Fear of becoming wrinkled.


  • Symbolophobia – Fear of symbols.


  • Triskaidekaphobia – Aversion to the number 13.


  • Uranophobia – Fear of the sky (stars, planets or planets).


  • Venustraphobia – Fear of beautiful or attractive women.


  • Xanthophobia – Fear of the color yellow or yellow objects;


  • Zelophobia – Fear of feeling jealous or being the target of jealousy.

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: fear poetry aversion knees fear watched ducks strangest phobias youve heard

