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Avenida D. Carlos I in Porto closed due to bad weather – Society

Avenida D. Carlos I, in Barra do Douro, in Porto, will be closed to pedestrian and car traffic from 8pm this Monday, due to worsening weather conditions, the city council announced this Monday.

In a publication on its official page, the municipality clarifies that “as a precaution and to safeguard the safety of people and goods” circulation will be prevented until weather conditions allow it to reopen to traffic.

A reassessment of the situation is scheduled for Wednesday, adds the municipality.

The municipal Civil Protection service warns of worsening weather conditions from Tuesday “with strong winds and strong sea waves”.

According to the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA), yellow warnings were issued for Porto due to strong winds, with gusts of up to 85 kilometers per hour, between 12pm and 6pm, on Tuesday and Wednesday.

As for maritime unrest, waves from the northwest of five to seven meters are expected, which can reach a maximum height of 12 meters, “for this reason, the city has an orange warning issued” between 3pm on Tuesday and 9am on Wednesday.

“In view of IPMA forecasts, an increase in the risk of coastal overtopping is expected during periods of high tide”, warns the municipality.

With the worsening of weather conditions, municipal civil protection calls for the security perimeters established along the coastline and at the accesses to the jetties and beaches on Avenida D. Carlos I, Avenida Brasil and Avenida de Montevideo or others that may come to be respected. be necessary.

The Porto Chamber assures that it will continue to monitor the situation, “implementing all appropriate preventive and safety measures and disseminating the warnings deemed necessary”.

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Avenida Carlos Porto closed due bad weather Society