Portugal Posts English

There is a risk of an increase in Dengue fever in Portugal – Society

Parachutist Mário Pardo died Friday, in Lisbon, from complications arising from dengue fever contracted in Brazil.

• Photo: ANDRE BORGES/lusa

The disease is transmitted through mosquito bites

Doctor and researcher Marcelo Urbano Ferreira warned of the risk of an increase in the number of imported dengue cases in Portugal and its introduction into Portugal, as transmitting mosquitoes already exist in this country.

“If there are infected humans, there is a risk of introducing dengue into mainland Portugal, which has not yet been recorded,” said the researcher from the Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, regarding the high number of infections in Brazil. “The risk exists and of two types. We have Brazilians who live in Portugal, going to Brazil and eventually returning infected, and Portuguese who, for tourism or other reasons, travel to areas of high transmission,” he said. Parachutist Mário Pardo died Friday, in Lisbon, from complications arising from dengue fever contracted in Brazil.

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: risk increase Dengue fever Portugal Society