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Request presented by the Pinto da Costa list led to a short delay in the start of voting – Sports

The half-hour delay in opening the electoral process for the presidency of FC Porto was due to a request presented by List A, led by Pinto da Costa, for the replacement of some elements at the voting table.

“We presented a request with a period of time to change elements of a table, because people who came, for health or family reasons, were unable to attend. It was a request for replacement and it was granted”, explained Miguel Corte Real.

The representative of List A considered that this is “something normal in an electoral high”, pointing out that during the day “all lists will present requests to the general assembly table”.

“It’s not worth making politics on this day. It’s no one’s fault, it’s just administrative issues. This is a day of celebration for the club, and List A wants everything to go well, with respect for all members” , added the leader.

Miguel Corte Real also considered that this electoral process is “being an example for all clubs in the world”.

“[O ato eleitoral] It’s going excellently. I invite all members to come to Estádio do Dragão. It is well organized, and, from what I have heard, the partners are satisfied with the fluidity and security of the process. Congratulations to the club and all employees”, he concluded.

The elections for FC Porto’s governing bodies for the 2024-2028 four-year period are contested by three candidates, led by Pinto da Costa (list A), André Villas-Boas (B), former coach of the football team, and Nuno Lobo (C ), businessman and professor, also including an independent list for the Superior Council led by Miguel Brás da Cunha (D).

The election will take place until 8pm this Saturday, at Estádio do Dragão, in Porto, at a time when Pinto da Costa is serving his 15th consecutive term, since 1982, and holds the status of leader with the most titles and longevity in the world. world football.

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Request presented Pinto Costa list led short delay start voting Sports