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Mother and daughter “live” in a McDonald’s for several months

Two women, mother and daughter, have been “living” inside a McDonald’s for several months. The situation of the two Brazilian women, aged 64 and 31, reached social media and, in Brazil, where they live, the case began to be discussed in the press.

According to reports, women spend the day at McDonald’s, eating their meals there, always accompanied by several suitcases. When the store closes, the women move to the street and sleep on the sidewalk. Despite having already been offered help, including from social workers, the two refuse any type of assistance.

Furthermore, according to witnesses who have spoken to the press, both are rude and react badly when someone tries to help them.

In Brazil, the racial issue has also been raised: if they were black, would the situation be allowed to continue? The daughter, on the other hand, considers the opposite: “If she had been a person with dark skin, with little clothing, with little suitcase, she would not have aroused curiosity”, she said, in statements to CBN, the television network that first reported the situation.

The mother, on the other hand, considered “everything ridiculous”, saying that she doesn’t understand how her situation “has become a snowball”. According to the mother daughter’s reports, her father is in the United Kingdom and supports them financially, and they are both looking for an apartment to live in.

The municipality’s offer to house them in one of the shelters at Rio de Janeiro City Hall was refused, Globo announces.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Mother daughter live McDonalds months

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