Portugal Posts English

VILA VERDE (highlight) – Children from Vila Verde shine on the stage of the ‘III Encontro Concelhio Infanto-Juvenil de Teatro’

With the shyness typical of their age, but with the charm of someone stepping on stage for the first time, dozens of children from schools and educational centers in the municipality of Vila Verde show their artistic skills on the stage of the ‘III Encontro Concelhio Infanto-Juvenil de Teatro’. The initiative is taking place this Saturday in the EPATV auditorium.

There is a lot of excitement, the interaction is informal, the parents show their pride and provide all the support at this early stage for those starting out in artistic pursuits. On stage, they, the children, show that the greatest of all secrets is to be genuine, pure, spontaneous, loose, free. What matters most is giving them space and a stage to fly.

And so it has been another youth theater meeting in Vila Verde, with strong support from the entire community.

Another day of fun, of representation without ‘strings attached’ and of free artistic expression. The script is just the guideline. The rest is the brilliance and charm of children who build and present the world in their own way.

And it’s a fun journey, for them (the children) and for their parents.

The world is a stage, so please let them perform and follow their dreams.

[email protected]

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: VILA VERDE highlight Children Vila Verde shine stage III Encontro Concelhio InfantoJuvenil Teatro