Portugal Posts English

“Planting for the sake of planting was never the objective of PAN Madeira”

Today, PAN Madeira took stock of its commitment to planting a native species for each vote obtained in last September’s legislative elections, and was satisfied with the results obtained.

As the party stated in a note sent to the editorial team, when it assumed this objective, it knew that it would imply a “monitoring and maintenance process that the same [plantas] demand in the first months and years of life”, especially because “the act of reforestation is an act of care”

“PAN does it, works and fulfills it, PAN is not afraid to leave an office and proves that, after all, small parties can even plant 650 plants in an afternoon”, he began by declaring.

According to him, the first reforestation campaign has now ended with the arrival of the drier and hotter season.

“The remaining plantations will resume from the next rainy season, ensuring that they have the best chances of survival. Planting for the sake of planting was never the objective of the PAN”, highlighted the same note, which, however, emphasizes that the reconversion of the native vegetation cover in the mountains “highly impacted by decades of cattle and weeds is a priority”.

“It is with immense satisfaction that, approximately five months after the first plantings, we see that the success rate is around 80% with new sprouts and even flowerings on the way in some plants. The Party had some problems with cows that destroyed some plants, but the problem was immediately resolved and the damage that had occurred was replaced. We secure the soil, capture and store carbon, capture water and allow it to infiltrate, feed the fauna and guarantee the expansion of flora in a balance that the Party has always defended”, he added.

PAN Madeira thanked IFCN for making the plants available, as well as all the volunteers who joined the party.

“Our Electoral Program takes the preservation of nature and biodiversity into great consideration, contributing to a large percentage of the work, research, contacts and efforts we make translated into useful measures and far from populist politics”, he concluded.

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Planting sake planting objective PAN Madeira