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PSD praises housing programs adjusted to the needs of the population

It was praise for the measures taken by the Regional Government to combat the housing challenge that the PSD left in its initiative today, headed by Valter Correia.

In a note sent to the editorial team, and invoking the problems in Housing affecting the Autonomous Region of Madeira, the social democrat congratulated the “successful” implementation of the policies designed by the Madeiran executive, further guaranteeing that the party “has always been attentive to current challenges faced by the population and whose motto is the search for solutions to overcome these difficulties as much as possible”.

”Housing is a fundamental right and one of our biggest concerns. We are committed to ensuring that all Madeirans have access to decent and affordable housing”, he stressed, adding that the Government of Miguel Albuquerque “has worked diligently to strengthen the region’s housing policies, by proposing different measures to address these issues in a comprehensive way and efficient.”

However, according to the candidate, “it is crucial to recognize that families’ housing needs are not the same and, therefore, require different and adapted approaches. The PSD is committed to offering concrete and effective responses to all strata of Madeiran society.”

For the most economically vulnerable families, the PSD defends continued investment in social housing, another major commitment of the party according to Valter Correia, as it is “essential to ensure that all families have a place to call home, regardless of their conditions financial”.

As for families who have their own home, but who face housing problems, the social democrat recalls that there is the Degraded Property Recovery Program, which aims to “provide support for the rehabilitation and improvement of housing conditions”.

At the same time, he continued, the Reequilibrar program is implemented, which offers support in the payment of bank installments, ensuring that they do not represent an unsustainable rate of effort for families, and the PRAHABITAR Program, recently amended in the Legislative Assembly of Madeira, which provides support, both for acquisition and rental, facilitating access to housing for a significant number of families.

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: PSD praises housing programs adjusted population