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Health of King Charles III does not stop funeral – Ferver

Buckingham Palace has already announced that Charles III will resume his official schedule next week, but, according to ‘The New Zealand Herald’, this will not stop plans for the 75-year-old monarch’s funeral, which have begun to be drawn up as soon as Elizabeth II was buried, on September 19, 2022. The document, with several hundred pages, details in detail the so-called ‘Operation Menai Bridge’ and is the responsibility of Edward Fitzalan Howard, Duke of Norfolk. A military source recalls that “detailed planning is essential for an event of this scale”, which involves royal guards, the national regiment and London forces, in addition to the parachute regiment.

“The Duke of Norfolk did a great job with the Queen’s funeral and the coronation of Charles III,” recalled the same source, quoted by ‘The Daily Beast’. “As he is only 67 years old, he will continue to work for Charles III,” he concluded. In the same newspaper, royal commentator Christopher Andersen assured that even William and Harry have already been consulted about their own funerals. “All the high-ranking royals do it,” he said.

The English king, whose cancer diagnosis was revealed in February, was away from royal duties for two months. He reappeared at Easter, in good spirits, but with his hands shaking. A Buckingham Palace source says that the improvements in Carlos’ health are “very promising”.

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Health King Charles III stop funeral Ferver