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President of the FPF congratulates Villas-Boas and remembers Pinto da Costa’s “legacy” – Sports

The election of André Villas-Boas as president of FC Porto “will be decisive” for the “development of national football”, said this Sunday the president of the Portuguese Football Federation (FPF), who also highlighted the “legacy” of Pinto da Costa .

“I would like to congratulate André Villas-Boas on his election as the new president of FC Porto. In the most competitive electoral process in the club’s history, the Porto fans offered him a vote of confidence which, I believe, given his career and ideas presented, will do everything to be able to respond”, reacted Fernando Gomes, in a statement published on the FPF’s official website.

In the club’s most popular election ever, attended by 26,876 members, André Villas-Boas became this Saturday the 34th president in the history of FC Porto, with 21,489 votes (80.28%), breaking a cycle of 15 mandates and 42 years for Pinto da Costa, who tallied 5,224 votes (19.52%), while Nuno Lobo (C) totaled just 53 (0.2%).

“His leadership, I emphasize, will be decisive not only within FC Porto but also in the development of national football, which cannot under any circumstances be isolated from the fate of one of its biggest associated clubs”, said Fernando Gomes.

In the same note, the FPF leader recalled Pinto da Costa’s “legacy”, stating that “the titles and glory to which he led FC Porto were equally decisive in the affirmation of Portuguese football on the international scene”.

“For his personality, for his dedication, for his charisma and for the way he transformed FC Porto, we could not fail, on behalf of the FPF, to thank all the services provided”, he noted.

The unprecedented election of André Villas-Boas, aged 46, for the four-year period 2024-2028, implies the end of the presidential ‘reign’ of Pinto da Costa, aged 86, who had already commanded FC Porto since April 17, 1982, becoming, since then, the manager with the most titles and longevity in world football.

The Superior Council elected 20 effective members using the Hondt method, including 15 from list B, four from A and one from the autonomous movement led by lawyer and university professor Miguel Brás da Cunha (D), who only ran for the advisory body.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: President FPF congratulates VillasBoas remembers Pinto Costas legacy Sports