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“We have to apologize to people”: Otamendi speaks out and talks about a “very bad season” – Football

After the defeat against Famalicão (2-0), Otamendi took over Benfica’s “bad season”. In the Sport TV flash interview, Benfica’s central defender and captain apologized to the people, who they supported throughout the season, pointing out that Benfica “doesn’t have time, it’s a club where you have to be prepared to compete, win titles.”

“The result we wanted was not this, of course. We lost the opportunity we had to continue competing today. It was a very bad season for us. On a team level, on a personal level, individually… We didn’t play the competitions with the intensity as we should. In the Champions League, in Europe, in the championship we had ups and downs and the same thing happened in the Cup semi-final… We have to think about what we did wrong during the season and apologize to the people who supported us during the season. They spent money to support us all season and we weren’t up to it. And I want to make it clear that the times I wasn’t here to speak it wasn’t my decision, but a communication decision. difficult moments and I’ve never been able to defend myself in that sense. I have no problem standing up when things go wrong. When things go well, I prefer it to be other people.

And he continued: “They were [embora] important, competitive players who were also used to winning. New players came, to a new club, a different dimension. Benfica doesn’t have time, it’s a club where you have to be prepared to compete and win titles. It’s about earning as much as you can. Unfortunately, we didn’t manage to do it this season and we will try to face the next season in the best way possible, not making the mistakes we made this season. Wear the jersey and represent it in the way it deserves.”

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: apologize people Otamendi speaks talks bad season Football