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“We will not let anyone threaten us”, guarantees Putin on Victory Day | Russia

During an unexpected spring snowstorm in Moscow, Russian President Vladimir Putin used his Victory Day speech to attack what he says is the West’s historical revisionism in relation to World War II and to guarantee that he will do everything to ensure the your objectives.

Following what has been one of his favorite themes in his public speeches, Putin accused Western elites of “arrogance” in the way he says they ignored the Soviet Union’s contribution to the defeat of Nazi Germany in World War II. “Today we see how they try to distort the truth about World War II, which interferes with those who are used to building their essentially colonial policies based on hypocrisy and lies,” said the Russian President.

Victory Day – marked in Russia on the 9th of May, not the 8th as in Western Europe – is the most important Russian political holiday and has been used by Putin to showcase Russia’s military capabilities. This year, the celebrations take place two days after the President’s inauguration for a fifth term and at a time when Russian forces in Ukraine have managed to take advantage of their opponents’ ammunition shortages.

The victory over Nazi Germany assumes renewed importance for Putin in the context of the invasion of Ukraine which, according to the Kremlin, is governed by a neo-Nazi regime with the blessing of the West – ultranationalist forces have minimal representation in the Ukrainian Parliament and are not part of the Government or any government body.

“Revanchism, the abuse of history, and an attempt to justify current Nazi followers are part of a comprehensive policy on the part of Western elites to foment new regional conflicts,” Putin accused.

This year’s military parade, to mark the 79th anniversary of the Nazi capitulation, was larger and more attended than in the previous two years, in which the imposition of security measures in Moscow forced a reduction in celebrations. Around 9,000 soldiers and 61 examples of military equipment, including an intercontinental ballistic missile system, paraded in Red Square, according to the Ministry of Defense.

Without any presence of Western leaders, alongside Putin were the heads of state of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, as well as those of Cuba, Guinea-Bissau and Laos, according to Reuters.

Putin made references to the “special military operation”, the Kremlin’s official designation for the invasion of Ukraine, but did not announce any news about potential new actions by the Russian Army.

“We bow our heads in memory of the civilians killed in the barbaric bombings and terrorist acts of neo-Nazis and our comrades in arms who died in the fair fight against neo-Nazism,” declared Putin.

Turning to the international audience, the Russian President once again accused the West of wanting to jeopardize global security by risking entering into a direct conflict with Russia. Putin was responding to suggestions from some European leaders about the possibility of sending military personnel from NATO member countries to Ukraine. Just this week, Lithuania’s Foreign Minister, Gabrielius Landsbergis, said he was in favor of sending military personnel to train soldiers in Ukraine.

“Russia will do everything to prevent a global conflict, but at the same time, we will not let anyone threaten us. Our strategic forces are always alert”, assured Putin.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: threaten guarantees Putin Victory Day Russia