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Lifemark: discover the real story that inspired the new Netflix film

Recently released in the Netflix catalogue, the film Lifemark has caused a lot to talk about among subscribers of the streaming platform. Directed by Kevin Peeples, the dramatic feature film tells a very moving story and, due to its intense narrative, left many viewers wondering: Lifemark Is it based on a true story? Well, the answer is: yes!

In the plot of Lifemark, we first meet the character Melissa (Marisa Hampton), who is in the process of having an abortion. However, moments before, she decides to have the baby and give it to an adoption agency. The child, named David (Raphael Ruggero), is then finally adopted, however, everything changes when, 18 years later, Melissa decides to get closer to David.

Below, learn more about the real story that inspired Lifemark!

Lifemark: see the real story on which the film is based

In fact, it was the journey of a man called David Scotton that inspired the film Lifemark. Scotton’s life changed in unexpected ways when, at age 18, he decided to embark on a journey to meet his birth mother.

The documentary I Lived On Parker Avenuereleased in 2017, captured this landmark moment, revealing Scotton’s search for his roots and his search for answers.

In a twist worthy of a movie script, actor Kirk Cameron, known for his roles in Christian films, contacted Scotton after watching the documentary. “I had never spoken to Kirk before,” Scotton shared. “He called me when I was leaving a law school class and said, ‘David, I saw your documentary. This has to be made into a feature film.’ I was in shock.”

The real story behind Lifemark is full of interesting and moving nuances.Source: Kendrick Brothers

At the time, Scotton’s decision to reunite with her biological mother was not only a search for answers, but also an act of courage and compassion. “Meeting my birth mother with gratitude, grace and love was a transformative experience,” Scotton shared. His story illustrates the powerful bonds that can be formed through adoption.

Experience on the film set

In bringing Scotton’s story to life on screen, Lifemark offers an intimate and moving look at her journey. Scotton’s visit to the film set in Georgia was a moment of deep connection, where he and his family witnessed the moving re-creation of events that shaped their lives.

“It’s hard to put into words, the whole process was surreal,” Scotton shared. “We got to set and felt so much love. Everyone on that set felt like family, even though we’d never met them.”

According to him, one of the most meaningful parts of the experience was seeing his own story reflected through the skillful interpretation of Rafael Ruggero, the young actor who portrayed him on screen. “I really enjoyed meeting him, I wish we had more time to talk on set,” Scotton expressed. “He’s a great guy; he’s a man who loves God, who wants to do this true story justice.”

In addition to being a source of inspiration for the film, Scotton had the unique opportunity to be part of the production of Lifemarkplaying a symbolic role in the scene that closes the cycle of his own journey.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Lifemark discover real story inspired Netflix film