The harsh message Scott Ian sent to Kerry King when he found out about Slayer’s return


The band Slayer is one of the greatest entities in the history of extreme music. One of the great icons of Thrash Metal, the legendary group founded by American guitarists Kerry King and Jeff Hanneman had a brilliant career, which ended in November 2019.

Obviously, fans were very sad about the end of Slayer, who apparently still had a lot of wood to burn, even though their main composer (Jeff Hanneman) was no longer on the earthly plane since May 2013. However, about four years and a half after announcing the end of their activities, Slayer announced (without the slightest fanfare) a brief return.

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Photo: Disclosure – Nuclear Blast

The Metal world was turned upside down by the sudden announcement of Slayer’s return, even more so given the fact that Kerry King had spoken few and far between a few weeks before the resurgence of the band he founded in the early 1980s.

Slayer’s return was received in different ways by the group’s fans. While some liked it, others turned up their noses, for a variety of reasons. Apparently, Scott Ian, guitarist for Anthrax, is part of the group of people who were not excited about the most bombastic news in Metal in 2024.


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Scott gave an interview to Classic Rock and spoke about what he thought of Slayer’s revival.

“I wrote to Kerry and said, ‘Thank you for making me look like a liar.’ We were on Slayer’s farewell tour for over a hundred shows. During that year and a half together, I felt like if they said they were breaking up, then that was what was happening,” reported the founding member of Anthrax.

“Personally, I thought it was too soon – the world needs Slayer – but I took them at their word. I really thought they were the only band that, when they said they were retiring, would be done for good,” Scott added.


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At the time of publishing this note, Slayer’s “revival” is limited to a few shows that will be held in the second half of the year. Kerry King, in fact, stated that he does not intend to record new material or go on a world tour. To be checked.


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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: harsh message Scott Ian Kerry King Slayers return

