Eduardo Paes and producer must decide new dates for Bruno Mars’ shows in RJ – Zoeira

Eduardo Paes and producer must decide new dates for Bruno Mars’ shows in RJ – Zoeira
Eduardo Paes and producer must decide new dates for Bruno Mars’ shows in RJ – Zoeira

The singer’s fans Bruno Mars should be aware of the possibility of changing the dates of the singer’s shows scheduled to take place in Rio de Janeiro – RJ). Live Nation, responsible for the agenda, had announced performances on the days October 4th and 5th at the Nilton Santos Stadium, Engenhão. The city of Rio de Janeiro issued a notification, this Thursday (9), through the Municipal Attorney General’s Office, ordering the suspension of events in the city.

According to the municipal authorities, the aforementioned dates precede the first round of the 2024 elections, for which it is necessary to mobilize the workforce of public servants, “notably those dedicated to public security, for the peaceful and democratic course of the vote that will take place hours after the alleged presentations”.

This Thursday morning, producer Live Nation announced the cancellation of ticket sales for shows in Rio de Janeiro — which would take place starting this morning and continue until Friday (10).

In a post on social media, the producer stated that it will work “closely with the mayor’s office to find a solution for the fans.”

The shows in São Paulo, on October 12th and 13th, and in Brasília, on October 18th, are maintained.

Eduardo Paes, mayor of Rio de Janeiro, spoke after the publication of the event’s producer: “They are beginning to understand. Here there is respect for citizens and the electoral process. And there is command too. It is no man’s land. I am sure that will come to Rio to the delight of his many fans. Only at the opportune date!”.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Eduardo Paes producer decide dates Bruno Mars shows Zoeira

