“A lot of sadness and anguish”, says influencer about the situation in Porto Alegre

“A lot of sadness and anguish”, says influencer about the situation in Porto Alegre
“A lot of sadness and anguish”, says influencer about the situation in Porto Alegre

“A lot of sadness and a lot of anguish.” This is how influencer Natália Matias summarizes the situation in the city of Porto Alegre (RS) amid the floods that have been affecting the city since last week.

In an interview with CNN, she described that her mother-in-law’s neighborhood, São Geraldo, was completely isolated in less than 8 hours, with water rising to waist height inside the homes.

See video of the rescue of the horse ‘Caramelo’, isolated on a roof in Canoas (RS)

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Impact on non-flooded areas:

Even neighborhoods not directly affected by the floods face difficulties, such as electricity and water cuts, as power stations are flooded in the city center. Natália, who is the mother of a one-year-old baby, reported being unable to heat the food due to fluctuations in the energy supply.

Furthermore, the climate of panic led many residents to stock up on excess supplies, leaving markets short of basic items. The resident appealed for common sense and solidarity at this difficult time.

Outlook for the coming days

Although the sky is open, Natália warned that the level of the Guaíba has risen again and that the consequences of the floods are likely to last for many days, as occurred in 1941, when it took 30 days for the river level to drop after a flood of similar magnitude. .

The influencer expressed hope that the state can return to normal as soon as possible.

This news is provided in partnership with CNN Brazil

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: lot sadness anguish influencer situation Porto Alegre

