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On the eve of the show in Rio, biography “Madonna – A Rebel Life” arrives in Brazil

A hurricane approaches Rio de Janeiro: it is Madonna, who will take a crowd to Copacabana beach next May 4th at the global conclusion of the Celebration Tour, a milestone in his 40-year career.

Taking advantage of the date, the praised biography “Madonna – A rebellious life”written by Mary Gabriel, is now launched in Brazil by the publisher Best Seller, from the Record editorial group.

Gabriel, who was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize with “Love & Capital”, which deals with the married life of Jenny and Karl Marx, was an editor at Reuters for almost two decades. With the background of a journalist, she focused on Madonna’s life and work for five years. Now, she brings readers a monumental story, spanning 850 pages, with tasty details and a way of telling that makes you want to devour the book about one of the most important pop singers in history.

Madonna Louise Ciccone discovered rebellion and art while living in small Pontiac, on the outskirts of Detroit, an industrial city, and became a dancer and drummer in New York before her fame.

With grounded research, Gabriel shows how Hurricane Madonna was formed in ballet classes, on Frida Kahlo’s screens, on Joni Mitchel and Jackson’s Five records, and in the first concert she saw in her life, by David Bowie, to become one of the feminist icons in the 1980s. The book shows the path from anonymity until Madonna became one of the biggest pop stars – and shocked the world with her aggressive stance of denouncing injustices and treating women’s sexuality as a reason for affirmation.

The extravagant clothes and electronic beats helped Madonna take the LGBT+ communities aesthetically and politically to another level. ‘Vogue’ and ‘Express yourself’, among others, have become anthems for this audience.

The book also details how she denounced the invisibility of AIDS victims when little was known about the disease, and how she suffered the loss of close friends in the HIV epidemic.

Gabriel also shows, with accurate research, how Madonna created her main albums and hits, from ‘Borderline’ and ‘Holiday’ to the most recent albums, and how she never counted on a truce from the critics – often, she had no peace even from the critics themselves. fans.

The book is a beautiful introduction for those who know little about Madonna’s career, but it also brings revelations and details for fans who have been following the career of one of the greatest singers of our time for years. Which promises to transform Copacabana, in the coming weeks, into the biggest dance floor in the world.

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Tags: eve show Rio biography Madonna Rebel Life arrives Brazil